Pyramaze Tour?

No, they have not announced any tours or festival dates yet. I don't expect anything major, just the odd show here and there. Part of the reason Matt joined was because he could do this "on the side", and it didn't require him to be on the road weeks or months at a time, as being a police officer is still his primary job.

Next time I talk to Michael I will ask him just to be sure.
I did read some L.King comments stating that Mike did not want to tour too much & probably the same for Matt.

L.K.also managed to say that Mike gave him the freedom to sing any style but thinks it wasn't aggressive enough for Pyramaze.It bordered on sounding bitter but at the same time he wished the new Pyramaze best & was positive.

I'll be happy if the band stays together- kicks out (hopefully many) some cd.s and if they don't tour be it,we should respect thier decisions.

However,i hope this isn't "lets get Matt back in the spotlight to prepare for an IE reunion move", no offense IE fans or any band members.
However,i hope this isn't "lets get Matt back in the spotlight to prepare for an IE reunion move", no offense IE fans or any band members.

With Tim Owens being a permanent member of the band, and working on the next two albums right now, I'm sure that's not even an issue. Iced Earth will have a lot on their plate for about the next two years. They've got two albums coming out within months of each other, and I'm sure with that is going to be a TON of touring. And I believe a live DVD is still in the works also, and with these two big releases, one would think that'd be the perfect time to film a live DVD.

Matt doesn't want to tour. And Jon is happy having Owens in the band. I really seriously doubt there's any danger of Matt doing this to set up a reunion with Iced Earth.
Well...w/ all of IE's plans going on & now the new Pyramaze lineup-this is great for metal!

I get a laugh out of some already saying "Matts back but why w/Pyramaze & not IE"?
Helloooo ...have they f-in heard Pyramaze? You got best of both worlds!!
(even though I don't listen to the band ;))

You're lucky I'm not a mod there or I would ban your ass just for that
I- DOG, ya think the 'Wings will take "The Cup"? I think they are solid & have a great chance.My dog is out of the fight... (the Bruins), coached by your former coach D. Lewis.I think he's a great but not a head coach?????
hehe...all I know is I can't take another 1st round exit...especially to fucking Calgary...really starting to hate that team :heh: Sorry about your Bruins...always good to see Original Six teams in the playoffs. I agree about Lewis...maybe he can turn things around yet.
Yeah, I was a regular at the Realm...miss that place. A bunch of us migrated to the Winterfell forum (even though I don't listen to the band ;))

Why didn't anyone ever make another Iced Earth forum? Iced Realm was the shit. I didn't post there too much, but on occasion. I did lurk around for a long time though. If there wasn't any Iced Earth talk going on, the was definately some funny conversation somewhere else on the board.

I saw Replica of Life on the Winterfell forums. Didn't he run Iced Realm?
Well, Johnny Z, who use to frequent the Iced Realm started up Brazil Under Ice, and currently they are the BEST Iced Earth site & forum out there. And just last week they were made an official Iced Earth site. Right now, the site and the forum are going through some changes. The site is only available right now in the Portuguese language and the forum is being updated but you can still register and access the International/English forums.

Johnny Z also runs the official Tim Owens, Beyond Fear, Demons & Wizards & upcoming Winters Bane Brazilian websites.
I had the same thing happen with the old Tim Owens forum. Signed up but never was given access by the admin. I didn't bother to sign up again on the new boards *shrug* I'm not a fan of him anyway :p
I registered at Brazil Under Ice, but needed to be given access by the webmaster, and he never did it.

The same thing happened to me the first time I registered. It turned out that after you register you're supposed to send Johnny an email asking for your account to be activated, I just never noticed that the first time I tried to register :rolleyes:. It's definitely worth registering there if you're a fan of Iced Earth though, as it's the best source of Iced Earth news that I know of :cool:.