Pyramaze vocalist ????

Michael von Rabensblut

The mighty STRYGON
Jun 2, 2008
Is Matthew still the singer of Pyramaze since he returned to Iced Earth??? If not, who will be the next one. I think this will be a big chalenge, cause Matt has an unique voice. Maybe You will get finaly somebody from Denmark?
No, short after he re-joined Iced Earth he announced he'll leave Pyramaze after Immortal. I don't think they started looking for a new vocalist yet, they will probably announce when they will.
Even though they said several times it won't happen, I'm still hoping for it to be Lance King, but I'm sure whoever they get will be great, so far they had great choices :)
It's a shame since Matt was perfect for Pyramaze. He did an excelent job and his voice really fit the genre. I would like to much if he could have stayed in Pyramaze!
Yeah Matt was awesome on Immortal. I am a huge Iced Earth fan, and Immortal sounds more Iced Earth than the last IE albums with Ripper (anyway he is also a great singer and the albums are just as great).
My top 5 (Wishlist):
1- Lance King (Don't know what was wrong with him, but he did an awesome job on mb and lotbc)
2- Bruce Dickinson
3- Katarina Lilja (Why not?)
4- Sandra Nasić (Ex Guano Apes. If she is still interested in singing)
5- Tim Owens (Just to make me laught)
I would like to hear some newcomer to the scene on the next album, and he shouldn't be a copy of Lance, of course only if Matt would stick to his statement. The newcomer with amazing ad original voice of course;). By the way wasn't Michael singing in Pyramaze before Lance?:) I
Well, I would look forward to Lance if it happens, but listening to Immortal, i think they need someone who can emphasize a bit more power.

Hansi wouldn't do, his voice is different, and I dont see how its gonna happen.

Make matt stay in pyramaze, he fits in very good.
It's a shame since Matt was perfect for Pyramaze. He did an excelent job and his voice really fit the genre. I would like to much if he could have stayed in Pyramaze!

Yes, he WAS perfect...
I just hope the new Pyramaze singer will have a deep male voice. I must confess that I don't like nasal voices. Is there a Barlow-Bis somewhere ?
Lance was awesome, Matt is amazing! And I still do hope that Matt will do another record with Pyramaze!

I cannot really think about a vocalist I want to hear in Pyramaze, maybe it should be someone who is yet unknown... I believe that Pyramaze will find another great voice that fits in as well as Lance and Matt. Michael seems to know how to write songs that make a vocalist shine. I have listened to a little Balance Of Power with Lance but I like his voice in Pyramaze much more. Same with Matt, I never heard him sing that awesome though I loved his voice in Iced Earth, especially Days Of Purgatory.

So, Pyramaze will march on and on, nothing will stop them! :kickass:
I've mentioned him many times, as have others. If you really think about it, he would be the the ideal voice to fit Pyramaze. He has the clear-high levels of Lance and the edgy-raw emotion of Matt...he's the perfect singer.