Pythagorean List O' Metal

dorian gray said:
Allright, one comment: Rush's 3-4-5 series were incredible pieces of craftsmanship that, to me, are all on the same level. I think from there, they stepped it up another notch, sonically and "progressively", until the mid 90s, when they got a little too boring.
End of transmission.
i'm a bigger fan of the earlier years, up through moving pictures--aftk, hemispheres, 2112... starting with signals they started to get a little heavy on the keys....not to say they don't have some righteous 80/90s material; subdivisions, distant early warning, roll the bones are all pretty rad, some of my favorites. i really like vapor trails, i haven't heard feedback but i can't wait for the next full-length. rush was also one of the best live shows i've seen.
Feedback is okay, but it's way too short.

And, yes, Rush puts on one hell of a live show. I caught them on the 30th anniversary tour and they played for 3 hours.

Imagine if Opeth did a set like that...
cthulufhtagn said:
i'm a bigger fan of the earlier years, up through moving pictures--aftk, hemispheres, 2112... starting with signals they started to get a little heavy on the keys....not to say they don't have some righteous 80/90s material; subdivisions, distant early warning, roll the bones are all pretty rad, some of my favorites. i really like vapor trails, i haven't heard feedback but i can't wait for the next full-length. rush was also one of the best live shows i've seen.
yeah, feedback is great but way too short. i guess it *is* just an EP, but it's disappointing when you realize it's over. you like vapor trails? i took a listen but couldn't get into it. maybe i'll check it out again.
you mentioned subdivisions - how 'bout new world man? i remember the day i figured out the bass line to it. i thought i died. incredible stuff in my opinion.
Give Vapor Trails another chance. It is very good IMO and better than Test for Echo.

While we're on the topic of Rush, I highly recommend Neil Peart's book "Ghost Rider". In case you didn't know, his wife and daughter both died around '99 and this book is an amazing journey through emotions I hope I never have to experience.
wwallinga said:
Give Vapor Trails another chance. It is very good IMO and better than Test for Echo.

While we're on the topic of Rush, I highly recommend Neil Peart's book "Ghost Rider". In case you didn't know, his wife and daughter both died around '99 and this book is an amazing journey through emotions I hope I never have to experience.
will do.

didn't peart's daughter die in a car accident around 96 and then his wife die of cancer in 98? isn't ghost rider a story he wrote about his motorcycle trip across north america? never read it but i remember when it came out. seems to me that his family died earlier than 99. i think it was right after Test. that's why they didn't put out another album for so long. maybe i'm wrong.
>didn't peart's daughter die in a car accident around 96 and then his wife die of cancer in 98?

Probably - I didn't have the exact dates in front of me.

>isn't ghost rider a story he wrote about his motorcycle trip across north america?

Yes - it's a really good book. I read it twice.

>maybe i'm wrong.

Maybe, but you ask rhetorical questions so we'll never be able to prove it.

Brave New World is a great album. It is definitely better that No Prayer for the Dying. But, no, I would not rank it above any other 80s albums.

Wait, I just checked... NPftD was released in 1990. I suck, but I do my homework!
