Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
A: I broke it once when I was too drunk :s
Q: Would you go defend someone if you saw he's in trouble?

A: generally speaking, i would if i saw someone in grave danger. but if it's just a hard situation and i think it's that person's fault or something, i won't do anything.

Q: how did you broke it exactly? slipped and fell while being drunk? a car-crash? unexpected kickboxing?

A: Um...it was winter and I was outside...it was very slippery...I was so drunk I couldn't even stand, so I fell down, hit my nose (and whole face) to the icy ground and...:cry: I also fell few times more when I was trying to walk, got bruises and scratches to my arms and legs...
Q: What do we learn of this?
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~
A: Um...it was winter and I was outside...it was very slippery...I was so drunk I couldn't even stand, so I fell down, hit my nose (and whole face) to the icy ground and...:cry: I also fell few times more when I was trying to walk, got bruises and scratches to my arms and legs...
Q: What do we learn of this?

A: always get drunk in warm places. :)

Q: once i hit a bus-stop with my car while drunk. the bus-stop never noticed. my car didn't either. me, i just have a vague recollection of it all. my car was kinda warm. what do we learn out of this then?

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