Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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A: (nice ques... a hard one too) :rolleyes: What is the address of your Gamma Ray Fansite with more than 1000+ visitors and whats the address of the other site i made with an elaborate members forum... :D

Q: Pass xenophobe's one on... What question would you like to be asked?
A: No. Not that I never have, it's just that I can't face the prospect of a game that is going to take soooo damn long to finish, and then I'll probably miss most of the secret stuff, then want to play it again, and end up with no life (well, less of a life than I have. Which I'm not sure is possible, but hey.)

Q: Do you think xenophobe is a cheat for re-usng one of my questions? (the whole "what question would you like to be asked" thing)
A: No but a few of my friends are into this stuff... Seems pretty interesting

Q: The most disappointing album you bought?
A: haha, almost the same as yours. in the army i had stress fractures in both ankles and i had to march/run 15k with a bag that weighed about half as much as me.
Q: what's the most uncomfortable situation you;ve ever experienced?
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