Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Originally posted by Thanatos
A: Go to your profile and select change information and click on change information, I think

Q: Do you like Suidakra?

A: As long as there is no semen on it.,.,.,

Q: Have you been with a girl that swallows?
A: hmmm.,..,bondage isnt that bad.,.,.just no mayonaise or anything in my ass,..,.or my girlfriends.,.:)

Q: your fetishes
A: nope.,.just in the back seat of a lexus.,.,sigh.,.not much room.,.,

Q: have any of you ever met some one that is a waste of life and should have their reproductive organs mutilated?
A: Whatever your instincts tell you to do, as long as you don't get thrown into jail or prison.

Q: Do you have any good ghost stories?
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