Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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A: blue balls are when you get horny and you think your gonna get laid but it doesnt happen.,.or some gurl messes around with you and stops right before you get off.,...hmmm.,.its kinda confusing.,.just pray you never get them.,..,

Q: can anyone else explain this any better?
A: kinda.,.but even if you get off.,.your balls will still hurt.,.,.,.oooooor maybe my nuts are fucked up.,.,lol.,.:)

Q: has this happend to anyone else?
A: yes, but more funny than good.
for example i was casted for the quiz-show "who wants to be a millionaire" and they put me an some other guys deep under the earth where i had to come out.
I scratched at the roof of the cave, when i had the first hole in it there where a lot of bird, but i could climb up at some steel-ropes, which where there in regular distances.
When i came up to earth i was at a shop near to my house....
Q: Confused like me?
Wow... wrong question answered... I hate that! I missed a whole page :p

Originally posted by Northern Viking
A: chicken, please

Q: Has there been a situation you were surprised you survived afterwards, like a car accident?

A: Yes, there have been several. After working a double shift at the Armory I fell asleep at the wheel.... totalled my brand new car at 70mph, didn't even get a scratch, no sore neck, anything!

Q: Same question....
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