Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Originally posted by Malveaux

A:Because I'm in love and I'd like to know other people's thougts about it.
Q:Am I making annoying questions?
A: mmnno, not really
Q: if you were "god" what would be the first thing you'd do?
Originally posted by Melancholia
A: A forumer from Belgium
Q:Why is my cold getting worse instead of better? Am I dying?
A: Probably you're not taking proper care of yourself... i don't think your dying though
Q: what did i do to deserve 36°C?! (sounds self-centered, i know)
Originally posted by Melancholia
A: well,nothing....36C oh,I'm sorry for you.it reminds me of summer and i hate it.. :(
Q: Where do you want to travel?
A: I'd love to travel to Scotland to see all those castles :) Then I'd like to travel to Austria (and Germany), one of my friends has been there and she showed me some photos and they were awesome. Then I'd like to visit France too. And Norway. If I only had money...
Q: What countries have you visited?
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~

A: I'd love to travel to Scotland to see all those castles :) Then I'd like to travel to Austria (and Germany), one of my friends has been there and she showed me some photos and they were awesome. Then I'd like to visit France too. And Norway. If I only had money...
Q: What countries have you visited?

A: Germany (Berlin, München); Österreich (Wien, Innsbrück, Saltzburg, Tamsweg); Czech republic (Prague, Kutnahora); Croatia (Rovijni, Pula).
The places I most dream of are Ireland, Japan and Canada.
Q: What's exactly an airport's check-in?
Originally posted by Malveaux

A: Germany (Berlin, München); Österreich (Wien, Innsbrück, Saltzburg, Tamsweg); Czech republic (Prague, Kutnahora); Croatia (Rovijni, Pula).
The places I most dream of are Ireland, Japan and Canada.
Q: What's exactly an airport's check-in?

A: They check in your pants for Kamikaze helmets.
Q: :hotjump: <----- why's this dude jumping?
Originally posted by IRoN

A: They check in your pants for Kamikaze helmets.
Q: :hotjump: <----- why's this dude jumping?

a: Because he ate so much bitter food...

q: What would that dude do if he ate "some" polar-bear...? :confused: :loco:
Originally posted by IRoN

A: They check in your pants for Kamikaze helmets.
Q: :hotjump: <----- why's this dude jumping?

Thank you :)

A: Cos he hate something excessively piquant, and fire's coming out of his @rs#.
Q: If you wanted to ask me something personally, what would you ask?
Originally posted by Malveaux

Thank you :)

A: Cos he hate something excessively piquant, and fire's coming out of his @rs#.
Q: If you wanted to ask me something personally, what would you ask?
A: i would know if i wanted to ask you something, but right now, i don't :p
Q: who has the ugliest avatar?
Originally posted by astarte

A: i would know if i wanted to ask you something, but right now, i don't :p
Q: who has the ugliest avatar?

A: Surely not me, because it's a self-portrait. :D

Q: Who has the weirdest avatar? :confused:
Originally posted by astarte

i'm sorry.. you really look like that?!? :p

A: define weird
Q: what the hell does avatar mean?

A:It's an ancient sanskrit word (Avatàra) that indicates the immortal soul, that which remains even during the turning of the karmic wheel.
Q:What did Eddy mean with 'weird'? Did he mean 'wierd'?
Originally posted by astarte

i'm sorry.. you really look like that?!? :p

A: define weird
Q: what the hell does avatar mean?

A: (1) incarnation of a deity
(2) that little picture below your nickname. You choose. :D

Q: To be brave or not to be brave? that is the question
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