Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Originally posted by BARBARIAN

A: Harahayaaþý...

Q: Ahnuhasunahh????

A: No Einstein later changed that variable in accordance with Euclid's theorem of congruent forces, so the theory of relativity automatically denied itself. Yours was a pretty rational approach to the whole problem, but I believe you haven't had enough research to back it up.

Q: Is it possible to die out of sheer admiration, spiritual passion, and sexual adoration??? :cry:


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Originally posted by IRoN

A: No Einstein later changed that variable in accordance with Euclid's theorem of congruent forces, so the theory of relativity automatically denied itself. Yours was a pretty rational approach to the whole problem, but I believe you haven't had enough research to back it up.

Q: Is it possible to die out of sheer admiration, spiritual passion, and sexual adoration??? :cry:

A: Yes, I did.
Q: Is there life outside the planet?
Originally posted by astarte

A: Depends on the planet :p
Q: Can you post a poem here? (stolen)

A: Post away :D
Q: What kind of a poem? (now is this a stupid question or what? :D )
Originally posted by Eclipse
"i bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers,
from the seas and the streams,
I bear light shade for the leaves,
when laid in noonday dreams...."

q: who wrote this?

A: who cares :)

Q: are our lives so insignificant that we have time to return to this thread and continue its legacy?
Originally posted by humus666
A: Mine sure is

Q: How about some joints?

A: I'm from the police, hand them over with all speed! :D
Q: Why did Kain leave a legacy? (stupid answer required)
Originally posted by Evilho
A: I just know the Ghost of Cain
q: Miért nem jut eszembe semmi kibaszott kurva kérdés dögunalmamban hajnali egykor?

A: McLaren Siker :)
Q: Is Europe having a tough winter, or is it just us Turks trembling in our barbarian huts at the far edge of civilization?
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