Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Q. Yes, but I just can't put my finger on what it is. Maybe love towards all human beings, something like that.
A. Why are you happy/unhappy with your life?

Damn, you posted before me, but gladly you didn't change the question... :D

NP: Meshuggah - Contradictions Collapse
Ha! Multi-processing! :)

Originally posted by nevershine
A: I think I've never EVER experienced ANYTHING spiritual.
Q: you?

A: Once. I thought it was spiritual, but later on I came to the conclusion that it was just a trick of my mind, caused by the mild drunken state I was in AND my will to experience something and my will to believe in it. So, basically, no.

Q: see below

Originally posted by Downfall
A. Yes, but I just can't put my finger on what it is. Maybe love towards all humans, something like that.
Q. Why are you happy/unhappy with your life?

A: To quote you: I can't put my finger on it. If I knew what it was I could try to do something about it. I guess it's my pessimism and the feeling that I haven't achieved anything in my life so far. It also has something to do with my uncertainty of the future.

Q: Is it easier for you to talk about private or touchy subjects anonymously with a total stranger than face-to-face with a very close friend?
A. The latter, close friend.
Q. You?

By the way, I my experiece was non-divine, so I don't know if I understood the question correctly..
A: not easier, just different. i think that the fact that total strangers know nothing of the background encourages me to think analytically about what i'm telling him, and this is a positive thing. on the other hand, this kind of discourse often takes place on public forums where someone might recognize you.

Q: have you ever betrayed the trust of a close friend?
A: No, never. If I have, I haven't realized it to date, and hence it must have been totally unintentional.
Q: Do you want to become famous and be admired?

Downfall: I'm quite sure you understood it correctly, 'cuz a spiritual experience doesn't have to be divine or religious in any way. Maybe I should have used the term "mystic"?

edit: changed the answer to fit Ziller's question.
A. I don't know. Probably for five minutes, but from then on I think it would become a strain... :)
Q. How many close friends do you have?

Orchid: Yeah, I was also specifying my anwer a little...
A: Two or three really close friends, I've lately had trouble deciding on one. :)
Q: What do you think of when you look at yourself in the mirror?
A. A bad 50's comedy film... :lol: Seriously, I don't really know, I have to concentrate on that the next time. I have no problem with the way I look...
Q. You?

A: I don't have a problem with the way I look, either. I can't explain what I feel when I look myself in the eyes, though.
Q: What's the most irritating thing that's happened to you today?
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