Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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A: either a tiny but peaceful nature preserve about a kilometer from my home, or the jogging paths surrounding our local "alpine resort"

Q: would you rather communicate with words, or with direct transmission of thoughts and feelings?
A: With direct transmission, definately, because I'm not good at dressing my thoughts and feelings into words. I would want to be able to control what I send in the same way as talking, though.

Q: Have you ever taken the time to analyze yourself and the way you process your thoughts? If yes, how do you perceive different concepts in your mind? (Chains of words, still images, vast series of different images dealing with the concept, etc.?)
A: Moo?
Q: What's more important; that you like the job you're doing but the pay isn't so good or that the pay is good but you don't like the job so much?
A: In the ideal world, the former, but I think in this world it's about finding a balance between the two of them. Like "the benefits to you justify the restrictions imposed."

Q: What is The Job for you - the one which you would love to do even if you didn't get paid?
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