Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Originally posted by BARBARIAN

A: Iced earth...

Q: Which band is the best to listen to when there's a fire storm outside? :loco:

A: In Flames...

Q: Which band is the best to listen to when there's a fire storm inside?
Originally posted by Melancholia
A: maybe Enslaved "frost"
Q: are you going to any gigs soon??
A: no, 'cause i live in bloody Chile and nothing ever happens here :cry:
Q: which band would you most like to see playing live?
Originally posted by ~Zeanra~

A: Eat pancakes with strawberries :)
Q: Last cd you bought?

A: I don't buy I burn :D j/k lemme see Nighttime Birds by The Gathering

Q: What do you think of Nighttime Birds?
Enough with the pancakes! :cool:

Dunno about the last question but here goes a new one:

Q: What would you do if someone told you you would die tomorrow?
Q: What would you do if someone told you you would die tomorrow?

A: punch them in the head. unless the "someone" was a doctor or psychic, in which case i'd probably call all of my exboyfriends (ok, except for one) and make amends, then i'd go out dancing with all my friends, then i'd smoke a big fatty :)

Q: what should i do with the rest of my life?
Originally posted by Kittarin

A: punch them in the head. unless the "someone" was a doctor or psychic, in which case i'd probably call all of my exboyfriends (ok, except for one) and make amends, then i'd go out dancing with all my friends, then i'd smoke a big fatty :)

Q: what should i do with the rest of my life?

A: Do whatever makes you feel good. Do what you love to do :eek:)

Q: What makes you feel good? :eek:)
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