Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Originally posted by ~Zeanra~

A: Because you have spent too much time on UM bords :p
Q: What color is your hair?

A: a very rare color: BROWN!
Q: What color are your eyes?
Originally posted by enitharmon
A: The same rare color: brown

Q: Did you like LotR?

A: No but I probably will!

Q: Does anyone here know one of the languages used in Lotr?
Originally posted by BARBARIAN

A: I think tombik knows it...(tombik=tombombabil)

Q: Can you play with sadness?

A: Yes you can, the real question is (Q): can sadness play with you?
Originally posted by Livmoder Boy

A: Yes, ALWAYS:devil: :devil: !!

Q: Can madness play with you???:rolleyes:

A. No, at least I only have controlled madness in me.
Q. Can it rain all the time?
Originally posted by Downfall

A. No, but I intend to change the question
Q. Do you have a pet?

A: Used to have two gerbils but they died. then we got two guinea pigs but we were too busy to look after them properly so we gave them away. don't have any current pets.

Q: Why do people assume to know me when they don't and so cause me to get so angry?
Originally posted by Slash Freeman

A: Used to have two gerbils but they died. then we got two guinea pigs but we were too busy to look after them properly so we gave them away. don't have any current pets.

Q: Why do people assume to know me when they don't and so cause me to get so angry?

A. Don't know, but it has happened to me also.
Q. Do you like Britney Spears?
Originally posted by The Trou-Peur
A: Air drums I do them with my ass.
Q: What about another spoonfull of beans?

A: Sure, it's time for some napalm death :D :D
Q: Why is farting impolite, I ask you?
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