Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Originally posted by Slash Freeman

A: Yeah, but it's not Marks fault. it's just one of those things!

Q: Is cheerleading a sport or gartuitous porn?

A. I'm pretty sure it's not plain sport...
Q. Are there any cheerleaders here?
Originally posted by Melancholia
A: Who knows....post a thread to find out! ;)
Q: What are your addictions???

A. Guitar (I rarely even watch tv without a guitar on my lap) and occasional:)lol: ) smoking
Q. What are YOUR addictions? (I think this is a good-enough question to be asked twice)
Originally posted by Hearse

A: Guitar and music making in general.
Q: What are YOUR addictions? (I think this is a good-enough question to be asked third time) :D

A: Music. Addiction is an ugly word for this.
Q: Why did you start smoking?
Originally posted by Hearse
A: Cause fishing was so fooking boring, that I have to find out something to do in there, but sitting... I never get any fish's anyway :lol:
Q:Why you smoke weed?
A: I don't smoke weed...I think...
Q: What are your phobias?
A: Being trapped, or unable to escape while listening to pop music


A: Hmm... What was your relationship with your Father like?... How was your childhood? :lol:

Q: Why wasn't that as funny as i intended it to be?? :confused:
Originally posted by Trapped
A: Hmm... What was your relationship with your Father like?... How was your childhood? :lol:
Q: Why wasn't that as funny as i intended it to be?? :confused:
A: 'Cause you typed faster than you thought. Blame your fingers.
Q: Have you ever tried to put yourself in a cardboardbox?
Originally posted by Blackspirit

A: Probably a lame scarymovie, when I was a kid.
I still don't like films that are supposed to freak me out >:eek:P

Q: Why are we scared of things? (I know this one!! >:eek:P)

A: Time for you to enlighten the rest :D I'd say basic survival instinct...

Q: So, what is it?
a: too many times. and it sucks 'cause i'm always the dumper. i know people would usually be the dumper, but i'm too much of an empath, and i hate hurting people. :cry:

q: what was your worst breakup (while we're on the topic)
Originally posted by Kittarin
a: too many times. and it sucks 'cause i'm always the dumper. i know people would usually be the dumper, but i'm too much of an empath, and i hate hurting people. :cry:

q: what was your worst breakup (while we're on the topic)

A: Haven't had that many, nothing I couldn't pull through.

Q: How many people have you been with (dating and making out) ?
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