Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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Originally posted by Eclipse

a: i guess it depends which opportunities you're talking about? Me personally, I wouldn't mind to go there for a while, but not too long.

q: how do you deal with bad, very bad news. :eek: :eek:

A: Try to deal ok, shatters me but I stand up again/

Q: What happenned?
Originally posted by LoboUivante

A: Chuck's is dead?

Q: Why die?

A: For eternal suffering, heaven/hell,
move on to another level, to get a new life,
for nothingness, for the pain...
For the release of pain, for total satisfaction,
for making your dream come true, to end it all....
Urm....do I need to go on? >:eek:P

Q: DO I need to go on? No?
Originally posted by Blackspirit

A: For eternal suffering, heaven/hell,
move on to another level, to get a new life,
for nothingness, for the pain...
For the release of pain, for total satisfaction,
for making your dream come true, to end it all....
Urm....do I need to go on? >:eek:P

Q: DO I need to go on? No?

A: Without you the world would stop turning :rolleyes:

Q: What's the meaning of life?
Originally posted by MightyA

A: long enough for your needs.

Q: Why is diarrhea so important to you?

A: So you wouldn't talk crap. In your case, it doesn't work! :D

Q: Fastest you ever drove (alone/with someone) in a car?
Originally posted by predeterminator
A: 137 M.P.H
Q: Whats up with the little toilet paper balls when you eat pussy?

A + Q: Don't get it, what little toilet paper balls?
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
A: If you have to ask, you'll never know (one of the more annoying answers there is ;))

Q: Why is this the only question I can think of?

A: You can't think straight probably, plus we've already gathered up almost a thousand questions, the choice is a bit narrowed down.

Q: What do you want your epitaph to read?
Originally posted by Impamiiz

A:here lies A great man, ..now go awy he´s sleeping!

Q: why cant you post a cool thread in the insision-forum and support us?

Q + A: In the what, where?
Originally posted by Impamiiz

A:The band INSISION From Sweden, playing Deathmetal. We are releasing an Album now in March at EArache/WickedWorld.
The forum is located here at Ultimatmetal.com Do as u plz....

Q: Whats your fave underwhere?

A: Tight fit boxer shorts.

Q: How about your favorite footwear?
Originally posted by humus666

A: Winter: army boots Summer: skateshoes

Q: Did you ever wear corpsepaint?

A: Yeah I did, a lot of years ago. I'd put all white and only a little of black, it looked menacing. Some of my friends looked like panda bears :D

Q: What's your favorite TV show?
Originally posted by HarmonyDies....
Q:Who do you think is more sexy from the Flinstones, Betty or Wilma?

A: Neither, Barney! :lol: :lol:

Q: Where do bad people go when they die? I heard they go to Tankard shows :D :D
Originally posted by Hearse
A: They go to same place that good ones (to samba carnivals), but they got No beer and they become impotents! (women cannot be bad... so that's why all bad people becomes impotents) :D

Q: Why I'm not living in Brazil, even if I obviously should? :D

Q + A: Why are we never satisfied with where we live? I bet there are a thousand Brazilians dying to go to Finland. Try trading places with them :D
A: That is the way of humankind. We will never be truly satisfied because there will always be something else we want. I believe that is what economy teachers thrive on ;)

Q: What is your favorite smiley?
Originally posted by Gleemonex
A: That is the way of humankind. We will never be truly satisfied because there will always be something else we want. I believe that is what economy teachers thrive on ;)

Q: What is your favorite smiley?

A: :D This one definitely. I use it everywhere :D See?

Q: Are you afraid of flying in an airplane?
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