Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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A: Meh. I won't go out of my way... but yeah, maybe.

Q: Going to she that shitty movie that starts sometime around this weekend...? What do they call it again..... "The Cubic".... "The Matriach".... "The Matix"? ;)
A: Only a handfull, but I have to inform you that it is a big hand. In other words, I haven't got the slightest idea, but I do know that I do not have a tenth of what I'd like to have.

Q: Is there some cd you'd like to have but you can't seem to get it?
A: sure, i would like to have the original crionics cd called "human error, ways to self destruction"

Q: what about you? anything that you can't get and you want to have?
A: I'd like to get Discouraged Ones. Although I downloaded it, it's always good to have the actual cd, to support the band and what not. Can't find it anywhere!

Q: Do you like In Flames?
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