Q&A - Wanna see how big a thread can go?

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A: damn yeah, make me hate them sometimes because of this overrated

Q: which do you prefer, chris barnes or george fisher?
A: McDonald's all the way, but they've made some serious drops in quality and customer service the last couple of years, atleast where I live. It's just a block away, though, and it's pretty cheap, so whenever I'm hung over..

Q: Do you like to eat McBurgers when you're hung over?
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A: hmmm never have had one while hungover, I will try it next time

Q: what has been your worst drinking experience?
A: It was the first time I got drunk when I was 15, and it was from Vodka. I didn't want to happen, but a friend of mine (who was allready drunk), was taking himself a glass of vodka, he had one sip and he was giving the rest to me...hehe

Q: Am I silly for that or what...?
A: I'm always drinking coffee. :p

Q: Don't you find it odd that Zyklon sounds like Death Metal but is black metal, and that Dissection sounds like Black Metal but is Death Metal? :guh:
A: No. I hate genres. I dont think anyone should worry about describing/classifying a band as long as the music is good.

Q: What are your plans for summer?
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