
New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2004
IL. U.S.
What does everyone think of Manegarm?(even you Amon Amarth :D )
And to the band(if you guys read these) What music and bands do you all personaly like?
And hey everyone else!!! :headbang:
iAMtheblackwizards said:
Personally, i like Manegarm a lot. When i first started getting into them i swear i had "I Evig Tid" stuck in my head for about 2 weeks

Yeah, that happened to me also. I just wish i knew what they were saying though.
Everything that's remoltey close to black metal and got the Viking theme is a big turn off for me. Almost as big a turnoff as, say, when I see a woman wearing a Feminist badge.
It's a feeling I get I can't really explain...eventhough 75% of what I listen to is Death metal, I'm not that narrowminded...I dunno man, I listened to all these black viking metal bands and they do shit for me...plus the whole Viking theme doesn't say anything to me, I am Scandinavian myself and I should know how little importance that era has now...we might be a bunch of psycopaths in DK, but in no way would I categorize Swedes has having even the slightest warrior blood in them.
Nothing wrong with the Scandis being proud of their past history. I'm Finnish and I love looking at all the old Marjamaa clan shit I have (remakes of the originals of course). Anything Norse is fucking awesome
Patric said:
It's a feeling I get I can't really explain...eventhough 75% of what I listen to is Death metal, I'm not that narrowminded...I dunno man, I listened to all these black viking metal bands and they do shit for me...plus the whole Viking theme doesn't say anything to me, .
Sorry for yr loss Patric, but not all black metal bands can look like Phil Anselmo and/or Peter Steele, you should deal with it and maybe give it a try. You know the saying once you go black you never go back ... whatever spin you ll put to this is yr own .... o_O
Belgar said:
Sorry for yr loss Patric, but not all black metal bands can look like Phil Anselmo and/or Peter Steele, you should deal with it and maybe give it a try. You know the saying once you go black you never go back ... whatever spin you ll put to this is yr own .... o_O
:lol: suck a turd out of my ass you Anti christ pandabear...I've listened to about 20 black metal bands you dumb fuck, so it's not like I'm ignorant and talking about somethign I don't know. Besides, theyre a bunch of grown up men wearing make up and all dressed up for Halloween. Shit, even Poison had more balls than that.
Im gunna have to agree, I listen to a lot of black metal, and definately dig it alot, but theres just something about all the makeup and halloween costumes, I mean its just too much. I do like the music though, just the whole "burn chruches and wear make-up" gets old. some times it can be funny as shit tho....I dunno, i think im rambling. Yeah, i dont dig the make up.
Why, thanks for the backup sir-I'm glad I'm not the only one in here who thinks the image part of BM is fucking laughable. The underground has no connection to that, it's always been the music thats been the drivining point. And as far as burning churches and worshipping Satan, well I'm gonna get critique on this one cause my DM bands sing along the same lines or gore, but with BM it's the overall impression that just makes me wanna vomit. Satanism is getting old and is for 14 year olds.
I think thats one of the reasons I like Amon Amarth so much, its all about the brutal sick fucking metal, not so much an image. No make-up, just regular guys. and even with the viking shit, they talk about historical facts dealing with the catholic church, and not so much of the classic :

"Ive got satans baby, growing in my belly
I eat the holy lamb with a bit of mint jelly"

kind of mentallity. It should be all about the music dude, thats where its at.
no I agree... about the image part. however I do rather like the music, I find it fun and blood pumping. The make up stuff is fun sometimes, and I think its hillarious when Im reading the news paper and I read CHURCH BURNT TO THE GROUND, SATANIC HOODLUMS SUSPECTED. you know, thats funny shit. anyway its still ridiculous
You know i love immortal and i never really took their face painting as a serious thing. I just assume the guys probably put on the make up and have a riot with it, knowing how fucking hilarious it is. They're just normal guys with families...i mean shit, abbath probably takes his kids out to the zoo everyday or something, and I can just picture Horg sitting around drinking beer watching sports witht the rest of his drinking buddies.
Manegarm are friggin awsome. I am not sure where this crybaby got into his rant about corpse paint and satanism related to Mangarm. A. Manegarm isn't satanic B. They don't wear corpse paint. But I do agree with you that satanism is old and has been old for a long time. Oh wait let me think back to who made it old. Now I remember it was Glen Benton back in 1997. Wait this is not a black metal guy now is it? Satanisms got old with Death Metal long before it did with Blackmetal. You talk about wearing make up being lame. I mean christ the guy cut a fucking upside down cross in his head to look cool.
Grr you missed the point on that one buddy. No shit Deicide is death metal, that was the point. I was just commenting on how Death metal made satanism seem cheesy before the black metal genre.