burning creation
wait a second... I just reread this thread aswell and just got to the part about me being patrics bitch... oh by the way pat, its your hit, but thats some good shit. Ok, I am no ones bitch... thats the first thing I have to say, Patric and I and Thyrmfal and most everyone else on this board, note the most, are buddies, bros, friends, etc. and just because we may back eachother up in argument's doesnt meen that anyone is anyone's bitch. All it means is that we have a common understanding and that we disagree with your views. Number 2, THIS IS AN OPEN FUCKING FORUM!!!! If I am talking to Patric about smoking weed or about how Phil Anselmo is still a great singer, it doesnt mean its a closed conversation, anyone who wants to say anything is welcome to and we will converse with them aswell. If you wish to have a private conversation with him then send him a PRIVATE-FUCKING-MESSAGE. That is what theyre here for. So as long as you are speaking in an open thread anyone who wants to can respond to your post.fuck you. and I actually was rather high... and still am. :Smokin: