Far Far North said:
Manegarm are friggin awsome. I am not sure where this crybaby got into his rant about corpse paint and satanism related to Mangarm. .
But, still in all...I wish you're having good times in Miami Beach or wherever it is you'e from.."Far Far North"...hahaha....and keep on dreaming about our beautiful countries down North with homosexual adoptions, gay parades bigger than your country and a million different languages :err:

Anyway bitch, you swallow quite a load of manbutter. And it doesn't taste liek mine.
Well first I am not from maimi or anywhere near there. Thruthfully I am High above miami living in a mountian region more then your country away from miami. You know what they say about assuming, it makes an ass out of you. Second the name happens to be the name of one of my favorite songs.for then my location. I can tell by your angry insults that you realize I am right. Well thanks for agreeing with me man. Also you want to talk about beauty, come see where I live. You are probaly some city kid who has no idea what snow covered moutains and white forrests look like (not counting the pictures you see in your highschool geography books).
who the fuck does this guy think he is. hey far, far, north I dont think he was insulting you to fucking show that he agrees with you and can tell by the way your writing that you are looking for anyway to make it look like "you win". I dont remember anyone ever saying anything about Mangarm wearing corpsepaint or being satanic so maybe you should think about what youre writing before you actually send it next time and maybe then you wont appear so fucking foolish
Far Far North said:
Well first I am not from maimi or anywhere near there. Thruthfully I am High above miami living in a mountian region more then your country away from miami. You know what they say about assuming, it makes an ass out of you. Second the name happens to be the name of one of my favorite songs.for then my location. I can tell by your angry insults that you realize I am right. Well thanks for agreeing with me man. Also you want to talk about beauty, come see where I live. You are probaly some city kid who has no idea what snow covered moutains and white forrests look like (not counting the pictures you see in your highschool geography books).
:lol: seems like we have quite a poet in her, as well. And nah, I never said you were right, eventhough I must agree you're a highly articulate young lady :) And yah, I am a city kid and I could two shits about mountans anyway, fields and oak forests are way better. So get back to Miami and be with your queer buds (though most queers have a lil' pedophilia in them and that's a fact) or you could just continue licken' some Amon-ass on this forum, I don't care.
wait burning creation are you patrics bitch? I think the guy can defend himself. By looking at the thought process used in your post (or lack there of) I think patric might appreciate you not saying anything for him. That is just my opinion, but if patric wants to be associated with someone who was just really high or just that stupid (hopefully the first is true because I am not one to discredit people unjustly) that is his own problem. And I would deffinately have to agree with with Occultor.
Well I don't know why you think I am a church burner, but oh well. I do think all religion is pointless but I also believe there are far more productive ways to solve problems then violence. Hey man it is ok if he is your bitch, no need to pretend. During the very short time I have been in this forum the one theme seems to be that this burning creation kid hangs on your every word and defends it like you are some kind of god to him. I don't really see where you have earned or why you deserve such respect, or maybe I am just cynical. Thank you for for the complement Patric but I think you should know I am not a female, and very far from queer. Also once again I must restate (because you are either blind or just stupid) I am not from Miami or anywhere even close to Florida. I don't know patric I have been to many different places and it never seems as savage and majestic then a snow covered 14,000 footer. Oak forrest are not all that uncommon in my area infact, but there is nothing more drab than a open feild really. I am just going to rack your vision of beauty to the lack of your experience. Sadly I have never been to europe, but of what I have heard that europe is one big miami when it comes to gays. I have also heard that those that are not gay in Europe seem to emulate the gay style and culture. I think the old saying goes don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.
Can't agree that there's better problem solvings than diets, except for my vegetable diet. Anyway, fuck your mountains, I've been to Swtizerland and whatever else place you can think of, so don't be such a bitchy girl and start calling me ignorant about nature. Sure you're not from Miami, Americans are too cool to get stuck up on piss and pretend to be the Indian chief of a hierachy that stands on intelligence alone. How gay you are, Miss. To take an example, starting to claim that burning creation looks up to me or that i'm his god or whatever homoerotic mumblings you went on. That must be the silliest shit 'Ive ever heard. Cuz we have a respect for each other, that makes me his idol? You dumb drooling fuck, hahaha you really are a serious case. Maybe you should move in with the Amon Family, get married to one or two members, adopt some Chinese kids and have hot Viking sex all day. How about it, Glen...or...Glenda....
Holy Fuck, I didnt mean for this shit to happen when I made this Thread. All I wanted to know was if people that are into Amon Amarth are into Manegarm. Because I myself like black metal,death metal and Viking metal. And Manegarm is a mix of all of that but a more black Viking but a hint of death also........ But what ever carry on about your I hate you and your gay bullshit I just wanted to talk about music. I guess not here.
How funny, I was just wondering what people here thought about Manegarm. I just got their albums and I like their last one very much. And I even understand their lyrics a little!
Man I think it is great how you assume that calling me a girl insults me. I also love the way you made a reference to me being a girl every sentence just to try to make me upset. You make me laugh bud, I have not encountered this sort of insults since middle school. haha seriously you bring back memories. Hey I never made the god thing sexual, but if you see it as such then have sex with burning all friggin day. I understand your defending him though. There is no greater compliment then being put up on a pedestal, whether it is deserving or not. You know, if you two have such great respect for one another and you love him this much I am sure you could go to your beloved Miami and find a preist to join you two in matrimony. I am missing the point you were going for on the diet joke, but maybe I am just slow. Or maybe you just make no sense in your attempt at being witty. Who can judge?
AsHornsFade said:
Holy Fuck, I didnt mean for this shit to happen when I made this Thread.
That's one thing I love about this board (most of the time). Topics will change so completely a page or two in, and sometimes they get really interesting. Other times it's just stoner talk and someone posting three times in a row with one line per post or something... but yeah, good lively conversations and stuff.
I re-read the thread and suddenly noticed a very nice word written by Patric:
This is one the funniest words I've ever seen, I just love it!!
Thanks for giving me good reason to laugh Patric.
Hehe no problem, seems like my opiniative asshole attitde out-of-tobacco rage symptoms gave fruit after all :)

NP: Decapitated-Eye of Horus