wait a second... I just reread this thread aswell and just got to the part about me being patrics bitch... oh by the way pat, its your hit, but thats some good shit. Ok, I am no ones bitch... thats the first thing I have to say, Patric and I and Thyrmfal and most everyone else on this board, note the most, are buddies, bros, friends, etc. and just because we may back eachother up in argument's doesnt meen that anyone is anyone's bitch. All it means is that we have a common understanding and that we disagree with your views. Number 2, THIS IS AN OPEN FUCKING FORUM!!!! If I am talking to Patric about smoking weed or about how Phil Anselmo is still a great singer, it doesnt mean its a closed conversation, anyone who wants to say anything is welcome to and we will converse with them aswell. If you wish to have a private conversation with him then send him a PRIVATE-FUCKING-MESSAGE. That is what theyre here for. So as long as you are speaking in an open thread anyone who wants to can respond to your post.fuck you. and I actually was rather high... and still am. :Smokin: :grin:
rofl this tread really devolped ... Every person have their view on what is nice in nature and what is not... and some people like mountains some just dont ... and they look nice, but they are really a ass to climb... Denmark might not have mountains but it have other things ... if we want to see snow covered mountains we can go to Norway, it is not that far away....

As for Black / Death and so forth, I tend to like the most of it tho I dont see black metal bands as a viking thing, I like Viking metal for the sounds of it not for the whole Viking thing... tho a nice looking guy in a chain mail turns me on I have to say :P
jeez...i missed a bunch while i was away...let's see it looks like its time for :Thrymfal's Thoughts!!!!
1. I don't like most black metal, but i dont hate people if they do...unless they're elitist cunts. Cunts, we should use that word a little more often.
2. Tr00 Cvlt bullshit is just that, bullshit! If cold, black and necro fan boys don't want their music to be heard by people that aren't cold, clack or necro enough, then they should quit talking about it, and stop signing record deals/putting out records, which is obviously asinine, but is the only way to really keep it tr00...
3. When people claim to hate having a a religion forced upon them (i.e. christianity) but then force theirs upon others (church burnings, etc.) that is hypocrisy and just as bad as anything any christians do.
4. Burning Creation is not Patric's bitch, we all know the Peter Steele is Patric's bitch
5. we all need to just have a beer, relax, and rub one out. You'll feel better in the morning!
Salira said:
As for Black / Death and so forth, I tend to like the most of it tho I dont see black metal bands as a viking thing,
I always wondered if most bands singing about viking metal would be persecuted by the viking of the real viking era. Picture the AA guys walking into a viking camp and put the Vs the world cd on ... I wonder what the elders would say .... maybe they would treat us as Gods?
Belgar said:
I always wondered if most bands singing about viking metal would be persecuted by the viking of the real viking era. Picture the AA guys walking into a viking camp and put the Vs the world cd on ... I wonder what the elders would say .... maybe they would treat us as Gods?

i dont think they would say much other then "RARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" and charge into the biggest most bloodiest ballistic fucking brutal midieval weaponry mosh pit that has ever been known to man! they would give headbanging a whole new deffinition!
Belgar said:
I always wondered if most bands singing about viking metal would be persecuted by the viking of the real viking era. Picture the AA guys walking into a viking camp and put the Vs the world cd on ... I wonder what the elders would say .... maybe they would treat us as Gods?
They will think that it is awesome, who wouldn´t ? ;)
I just dont like "Viking" metal (or even "Folk") just for the fact that it has something to do with vikings and shit but dont get me wrong vikings kick ass and shit, but I love The music these guys put out. Love the drumming, Guitar-the harmonies and style., and the Keyboards in some bands.(Finntroll And Thyrfing) Just mostly the music but the Viking part the "volcals" is a awesome bonus to the music. Death or Black it doesnt matter to me.

Why I say this I have know clue just making conversation.
I always did like folk (not much celtic for some reason tho), not becouse it have something to do with the vikings... !!! Just as long as it is made by someone that really lives for their music :P And then it have to be live ... Music is best live
Far Far North said:
Hey I never made the god thing sexual, but if you see it as such then have sex with burning all friggin day. You know, if you two have such great respect for one another and you love him this much I am sure you could go to your beloved Miami and find a preist to join you two in matrimony.

Nah, they'd have to go to Massachusetts for that, maybe you guys can have the ceremony at next years New England Metal fest? So, are we all invited and will there be an open bar?
dude what I want to know is where the fuck this cunt is getting his fucking information from, where ever it is I suggest you find a new source. I feel sorry for you far far north, the fact that you turn respect into homosexuality shows how few true friends you really have. once you grow up and youve had friends for the majority of your life like I have you are able to communicate with people who share interests with you in a way that can often form bonds that people call "friendships". Now, friendships can sometimes lead to closer relationships such as girlfriends, boyfriends or what have you, but this is where you run into the situation that we have now where neither patric nor myself are attracted to eachother which is due to the fact that neither of us are homosexual. Apparently youve done your homework and read up on patric's and my forum history, if you recall awhile back, I believe in the forum relating to Olavi Mikkonen's occupation outside of AA, patric and I had a little conversation which was referring to my girlfriend, who I am in love with. Now this is where youve "fucked yourself" (other than in the privacy of your bedroom) because this shows my obvious heterosexuality. Oh and let me also remind you of the time when Patric was posting about the girl he liked (sorry to bring this up patric), I dont think I have to go any further with that. so fuck off. stop being an instigating cunt, and get a friend... maybe then youll grow up and stop thinking that because two people of the same gender are friends and respect eachother means that they are homosexual, you fucking pathetic excuse for a metalhead.

P.S. dont even try to call one of us bisexual because thats just fucking desperate.
Tomasz said:
sickening :Puke::yuk:

Definately, what the fuck is wrong with the world man. The situation is so unbeliveably fucked right now, everything, its fucking sodom and gemmorah all over again. When i wake up in the morning I half expect sulfur to come raining from the sky and whipe earths population away. (sorry, that was a biblical reference, place your own religions destruction of the wicked myth here:___________)

We have Israelis practically commiting a holocaust against the Palestinians. Its no different then Hitler's gestapo going into the ghettos and destroying their house and moving them elsewhere. (the nazi's did it in the interest of national security, also.) Dont get me wrong, the Palestinians are just as guilt, strapping bombs and nails to them selves and walking up to schoolbuses.

The world is just a fucked up place man. The end of days are upon......

Well theres my hippy bullshit rant, although im no fucking tree hugger.

Also, heres something stupid..Ozzfest this year...its kind of different. Its not the usual nu-metal rap rock my pals bullshit. Fucking Black Sabbath (yes...sabbath,) Slayer, Judas-fucking Priest, Dimmu (on main stage no less.....wow..) Superjoint Ritual (PHIL!!!) and BLS. Second stage remains shitty, Slipknot is headlining. But still....tons of CLASSIC Metal on the main stage.

Well..theres my off topic post...sorry..

np- Immortal-Tyrants
Damageinc840 said:
Definately, what the fuck is wrong with the world man. The situation is so unbeliveably fucked right now, everything, its fucking sodom and gemmorah all over again. When i wake up in the morning I half expect sulfur to come raining from the sky and whipe earths population away. (sorry, that was a biblical reference, place your own religions destruction of the wicked myth here:___________)

We have Israelis practically commiting a holocaust against the Palestinians. Its no different then Hitler's gestapo going into the ghettos and destroying their house and moving them elsewhere. (the nazi's did it in the interest of national security, also.) Dont get me wrong, the Palestinians are just as guilt, strapping bombs and nails to them selves and walking up to schoolbuses.

The world is just a fucked up place man. The end of days are upon......

Well theres my hippy bullshit rant, although im no fucking tree hugger.

Also, heres something stupid..Ozzfest this year...its kind of different. Its not the usual nu-metal rap rock my pals bullshit. Fucking Black Sabbath (yes...sabbath,) Slayer, Judas-fucking Priest, Dimmu (on main stage no less.....wow..) Superjoint Ritual (PHIL!!!) and BLS. Second stage remains shitty, Slipknot is headlining. But still....tons of CLASSIC Metal on the main stage.

Well..theres my off topic post...sorry..

np- Immortal-Tyrants
...ho boy, more controversy....i umm i think that i made my peace earlier, so i'm gonna take the swiss route here...not saying a word
Damageinc840 said:
We have Israelis practically commiting a holocaust against the Palestinians. Its no different then Hitler's gestapo going into the ghettos and destroying their house and moving them elsewhere.
Oh yeah, I agree.
Patric said:
Oh yeah, I agree.

Dude, I think my internet sarcasm detector is broken, or are you serious?

And what do you think about the ozzfest lineup patric, i mean some of it blows but its cool that its the classic fucking shit, plus superjoint ritual is there.

np - Witchery-All Evil