TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
More racism agains the swedes...
Remember that Sweden has been bigger than Denmark and still is (nothing against the danes i'm sort of half daane myself) and just because we didnt kiss Bushass in Iraq like the danes (not that I think that we shouldn't have) doesn't mean that weve lost our warrior spirit. We have the guts to stand alone without treaties you know... Anyway why all this shit against the swedes when youre at an amon amarth forum thingie

"I get a lot of shit for being pro-Palestine"
Dont think that Patric have anything agianst swedes (would say he sent me a few picture that will tell me different) but in the viking era some of sweden was Danish, and the rest of sweden was salesmen doing business with Russia and so... so I guess their wasnt much warrior over the swedes in the viking era. Yes sweden is bigger than Denmark, but they havent always been that... that being said I have nothing agianst swedes myself (tho sweden have done some bad decisions here and there trough time, that is not always the fault of the common swede).....
Thanks for the support Thrymfal, Salira...you guys rule. And yeah it's strange isn't it, how I would be a racist for a people that are in some odd way my own. I just have a hard time relating to the country, since I've been in DK since I was 6 fucking years or so. In any case, I don't have Swedes, that's just bullshit. I like to poke fun at them at times though, it's all good.
That racism stuff was just abit of irony, if you guys didn't notice that. The Swedes werent trading with the russians, they conquered land and the russians had to pay taxes in form of bearskins and other stuff and then alot of swedes went to serve as varjagers and launched an attack against Constantinopel etc. And since then I think the swedes have fought a heck of lot more wars than any other Nordic country up until social democratic rule. And yes the part of sweden were i'm from was danish and is in fact the origin of the danes, but Sweden conquered that, so...
Oh i'm sure there's a ton of em in the good ol' US of A. I only posted the article because i happened to find it whilst sweden was being discussed. besides, i'm of swedish descent, so don't think i'm making fun or anything.
Actuelly Sweden took all of Denmark expect Copenhagen, but if they have gotten more time they would probaly have taken that too....
Im not saying Sweden didnt conquer alot ... im saying that Norway and Denmark did that alot more in the viking era, and was knowen for that, where Sweden was alot more calm....