I enjoy that Ozz actually posted the character Q.

No! No agenders allowed. The line must be drawn HEEERE! THIS far, NO further!

So if a male identifies as a woman, it's insensitive to refer that person as a "he". What if a person identifies as a cat. Would it be insensitive to refer to that person as a "human"?
David will probably tell you that you have the privilege not to give a shit because you identify with what you have been socialized to consider normal. How dare you!
For what it is worth, having privilege isn't something that makes anyone a bad person, and no one should be shamed simply for having it. Cis gender heterosexual white men are not some inherently evil group of people, and I vehemently disagree with the people within the social justice and feminist world that express such views.

We should not be condemning individuals who do not understand they have privilege, but educate them. If they respond by being insufferable fucks, then well fuck them.

No one should be made to feel guilty for something they are born into, but people do need to be aware of how it exists and does impact other people.

The solution is to bring people into equal standing socially, politically and economically, but for that to happen privileges granted by the patriarchy must be destroyed. White men are not being "discriminated" against by this line of thought - other groups just need to be brought to a similar place.
The world's more complicated than race, gender, and all that shit.

What I can't stand about the social justice crowd I come across is its narrow focus. It's all about gay people, women, minorities, transgendered people and whatever, and not about how humans shouldn't be treating each other like shit. Obviously the specific issues are important, but the big picture is usually forgotten, especially when it leads to bullshit assumptions like being a white straight male automatically makes you privileged.

Plenty of white men (and people) for that matter have lousy lives, but who cares if it's not about one group oppressing another? I never see any of these people care about the mentally ill or trauma victims unless it's sexual assault which can be pinned on the patriarchy.
As a white male from a lower middle class family with no connections, I find it hard to believe I have any privilege over anyone else. I believe that wealth has replaced race in that regard a lot of the time.
A straight white male at any socioeconomic level will likely be less subject to discrimination and disrespect than any other demographic of that same level. Does that not make sense? Privilege is more than just a product of wealth. It's a product of social norms and expectations that have been programmed into culture by a historical trend of straight while male domination over pretty much everyone. Seems obvious to me.
I never see any of these people care about the mentally ill or trauma victims unless it's sexual assault which can be pinned on the patriarchy.

Plenty of the SJ movement is focused on mentally and physically handicapped people - its part of why I've started to notice plenty of people railing against those who look down on autistic people and why ableism is becoming more and more cared about.

As far as trauma victims, I'm pretty sure that there is a reason that many people who discuss particularly traumatic events preface their discussions with trigger warnings - to prevent people who suffered rapes, abuse (sexual, physical, mental, what have you) from being blindsided.

I will agree with Mathias about wealth being probably the ultimate "privilege" though. It is part of why I'm beginning to question my faith in capitalism as a functioning economic system because it inherently creates massive gaps in which there are people who have excess in all areas and those who have absolutely nothing at all to their name and likely never will.

One thing that people forget though is that racial minorities (especially blacks) face MUCH higher rates of poverty in the US. Part of the reason for this stems from years in which black Americans post-slavery were not able to easily obtain property and as a result had nothing they could hand down to their children and their children's children.

The odds are stacked against them because of our racial history.

Crime rates are higher amongst minorities because of the essentially institutional poverty - when you remove effectively all hope of them ever bettering their lives you instill a criminal mindset, and no not all people turn to a life of crime and yes people do escape from their bad situations, but generational poverty exists and it exists for a very real reason.
yeah straight white women have fuckloads of privilege especially due to sexual politics and being idolized as the model of beauty.

So basically any list that puts them too far down was probably drawn up by one.
So basically any list that puts them too far down was probably drawn up by one.

The list in the first picture is made by a "white pans/demi female" which is a short for "pansexual/demisexual". Now I looked that up and apparently demisexual means that you have to have an emotional connection before you're physically attracted to someone and pansexual means that you can be physically attracted to anyone in the entire stupid spectre of what people identify as. I don't fucking see how those things put you down the hiearchy so fucking much. The only explanation is that the list is made by a stupid whiny american whore that's full of fucking shit.

For what it's worth I could also identify as demisexual as I have to know the person and make a connection before I want to actually fuck them.
all of those things, penises, pussies, dildos, whales, narwhals, those are all just things

you can't except a young woman to care about things because that's all just stuff

what really matters is the warm and tender love of one creature for another. Only the white male could be so callous and mean as to deny that.
Ha, I'm definitely Demi-sexual. Didn't know that was a sexuality.

Actually I do feel a lot more strongly about this than what I put out here.

Honestly people say a lot of racist shit without realizing. Last few weeks I was working on a play, and the director I've worked with her before. She is a sweet girl who claimed to be a hippie (To the point of hitting on my boyfriends mom) and super free spirited. Well, she found out her husband didn't get accepted to Yale school of drama and she was really bummed about it. She then asks me what I'm up to in regards to theatre and I told her not much just auditioning but it's hard to audition through actorsaccess because a lot of the main/interesting roles are for Caucasian or "racially ambiguous" (aka white looking Hispanic women) but i keep trying. She then tells me to apply to Yale like Lupita Nyong-o as they'll accept me because I'm black and pretty like they did with her. And they didn't accept her husband because he's white and a male.

Da fuck? Why do people think that people of color get a free fucking pass because of their color? If it really and truly was that way Ivy League schools would be 80% black/Hispanic /Asian and 20% white and not the other way around.