Question about a few death metal bands.....


Jan 16, 2009
i have a question about a few bands i've come acrossed, because most of you guys seem to know what you're talking about, first off is there anything worth hearing from Cattle Decapitation,Decrepit Birth,Grave,or Regurgitate(whose release "Defiant" is supposedly good) And if anyone has heard anything from Mortician, whats good from them, i have to say after reading about them, i was kind of interested, being that i'm a big fan of horror flicks and they use clips from the movies i kind of want to hear something from them. Thanks.
Don't get DB's stuff- while they're fairly good for tech death, they do play tech death, which is generally pretty boring.
thanks for the help, seriously though, despite that you hate mortician, I may not if i listened to them, its a matter of opinion, so if anyone knows whats supposedly there best or anything, just tell me, i'll listen to them and make my own opinion, which i will not post on here, because i know no one wants to hear it
I feel like people should be cooler to this OP. He was "AndyA7X" not so long ago. Encourage forward progress, people!

I don't listen to Moritician, but on metal-archives (you should bookmark that if you haven't btw) their Zombie Apocalypse EP and House by the Cemetery have the highest ratings and a relatively high number of reviews. That doesn't neccesarily mean much, but in the absence of better advice, maybe get one of those.
I think Skinless have a lot of horror clips, and they might be better than Mortician.

They have a fair amount, yeah. Their newest release is by FAR their best, one of my favorites of the past few years- I don't care much for the rest of their discog. All the tracks except Wicked World (a Sabbath cover) and Deviation Will Not Be Tolerated have some kind of sample- just noises for Endvisioned (noises from the original TCM, actually) and Spoils of the Sycophant, though. A Unilateral Disgust has a great one from Hot Shots Part Deux.