Question about a few death metal bands.....

Cattle Decapitation is not horrible. Get 'Humanure', then if you like it try out the rest. Grave's 'Into The Grave' is good, but I prefer 'You'll Never See...'. Don't bother with Decrepit Birth. They blow. Mortician is boring as hell, but if you must go with 'Chainsaw Dismemberment'. Good n raw. Regurgitate also blows...chunks...haha.
ok thanks boys and girls, you've answered my question. yeah cut me some slack, i've learned alot and have been listening to alot of good bands/albums that people have told me on this site, i was AndyA7X yes, and i do realize how gay that name actually was. I'm trying......if you saw me you'd understand, i'm a 25 year old short balding blonde guy. i have no life so this forum and shit actually gives me something to do.
ok thanks boys and girls, you've answered my question. yeah cut me some slack, i've learned alot and have been listening to alot of good bands/albums that people have told me on this site, i was AndyA7X yes, and i do realize how gay that name actually was. I'm trying......if you saw me you'd understand, i'm a 25 year old short balding blonde guy. i have no life so this forum and shit actually gives me something to do.

No worries man, most of us come from musical background that are kinda embarrassing. I ended up on UM 'cause I joined the Opeth forum. For a long time, I hated black metal, listened to Arch Enemy and Killswitch Engage, and said my favorite DM band was In Flames (their new stuff, too).

Anyways, it seems like you're getting into some of the better stuff the genre has to offer, so kudos to you sir!
i have a question about a few bands i've come acrossed, because most of you guys seem to know what you're talking about, first off is there anything worth hearing from Cattle Decapitation,Decrepit Birth,Grave,or Regurgitate(whose release "Defiant" is supposedly good) And if anyone has heard anything from Mortician, whats good from them, i have to say after reading about them, i was kind of interested, being that i'm a big fan of horror flicks and they use clips from the movies i kind of want to hear something from them. Thanks.

Well, you should be able to find stuff online and make your own decision (try their myspaces). But Grave are generally well-regarded. What I've heard from Decrepit Birth was good. Cattle Decapitation really turn me off because everything I've heard from them has been crap and because for some reason they have a big following among the deathcore scene kids around here.
i've heard that about Cattle Decapitation, i picked up Scream Bloody Gore and Nile's In Their Darkened Shrines today, haven't listened yet though.
is the lone Disincarnate album any good? and what from Malovent Creation should i get?

Definitely a good haul; may also try Annihilation of the Wicked too.

I love Malevolent Creation a LOT, but I can't afford to buy the majority of their discography. I bought the Best of Malevolent Creation through Roadrunner, and cannot tell you how much I enjoy that shit. Pretty much an ultimate mix of their best work. I would recommend buying The Ten Commandments or Retribution though.
definately a huge fan of Scream Bloody Gore, really good. Haven't heard all of Nile yet but what i have listened to so far i really enjoy.
to satisfy my curiousity and because it was cheap, i did purchase on Morticians Hacked Up For Barbecque/Zombie Apocalypse, they were the two people mentioned when they recommended to me, so i figured both on one disk for $10 buck wasn't too bad, so if i hate it, its not really like i'm out much.
is the lone Disincarnate album any good? and what from Malovent Creation should i get?

Disincarnate `dreams of the carrion kind is one of the best US DM albums and is a lot better than more popular US DM albums coming out around the sametime from Deicide,Cannibal Corpse, and Obituary. The first three MC albums are good.
definately a huge fan of Scream Bloody Gore, really good. Haven't heard all of Nile yet but what i have listened to so far i really enjoy.

they are both very good albums, death's in particular is a real candidate for all-time greatness
Mortician has Six Feet Under syndrome... a few good songs here and there (and a couple fantastic ones)... with really boring filler inbetween... which makes it really hard to recommend buying anything.

The Mortician stuff you should hear: (the tracks themselves... not the cds)

Deranged Insanity
Island of Death
Hacked up for Barbeque
Chainsaw Dismemberment
The Crazies
Slaughterhouse (part II)

World Domination
Slowly Eaten
Zombie Apocalypse


Zombie Apocalypse

Hacked Up

Edit: And for Nile... go with Annihilation of the Wicked and Black Seeds of Vengeance... and Eat of the Dead from their most recent full length.
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I'll be honest: I find 99.9% of power metal and all black metal to be terrible.

Does that make me right? Most likely not....
i probably will get symbolic, i'm finding that the more i listen to Death, the more i like them, emerging as a top contender for my favorite death metal band, although I am really diggin' Nile and Decapitated too, i think they're top 3 right now. With Carcass and Dissection rounding out the top 5