Question about different Antimatter versions


Jan 17, 2003
London, Canada
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Has Saviour been released on Strangelight and if so, does it come with the two bonus tracks that are on the End version? Also, is it a digipack version?

Does the digipack version of Saviour released on the Prophecy label have the bonus tracks?

I noticed the Strangelight version of Light's Out has a listed bonus and hidden bonus track; does the digipack version have these as well and what label is the digi released on?

Thanks for any info.:Spin: :grin:
i've got the digipack version with the over your shoulder acoustic bonus track... while the other version owns the acoustic version of flowers.
i think it kicks ass... i love that acoustic version...

btw, it is not in normal guitar tuning, is it? i want to learn it, but i remember i had some problems in normal tuning...

lights out on this, please ;P