Question about Seattle Show


New Metal Member
Nov 3, 2006
I just saw Katatonia last night at Studio Seven and they kicked some serious ass!

I'm pretty sure that this is all the songs they played:

Soil's Song
Had To (Leave)
Ghost Of The Sun
My Twin

I was wondering if anyone who was there knew what order they were in, or if perhaps I was missing one.

Great show. Definately worth risking my life driving over the pass.


I will be a very happy camper if they play that set with the best LFDGD track my sweet nurse even if I have to see deadhouse go, which is by far the best track on DO.
FrontTowardsEnemy said:
Looks about right, and I agree that the show was excellent. However, Anders seemed to be having some problems with the stability of his mic stand.

that happened in detroit alot too.....I think he steps on it right before he sings into it.....either that or it is a shitty stand....shit....they dont even have any guitar stands.......someone bring them a couple to the next show!
that happened in detroit alot too.....I think he steps on it right before he sings into it.....either that or it is a shitty stand....shit....they dont even have any guitar stands.......someone bring them a couple to the next show!

I was to the right of the stage, but I did see Anders nearly tip over his mic at one point.. yep.. no guitar stands.. and Daniel had sound check his own drums. lol!

And I just realized I forgot one song.

Add "Rusted" to the list.
Did they play RUSTED??????????
Only at this show or somewhere else too?????
Will they play it when they tour again in Europe??????????????????????????????
that happened in detroit alot too.....I think he steps on it right before he sings into it.....either that or it is a shitty stand....shit....they dont even have any guitar stands.......someone bring them a couple to the next show!

My band's the only local supoprt in San Antonio; I'll be sure to offer them the use of our stands. :Saint: We've even got those fancy "double" ones.

Did Katatonia not bring any roadies?
I thought they played 'Rusted'. I could be wrong. I was listening to GCD to and from the show.
Now I can't even remember. lol
Oh well.

nah.. they didn't play Rusted. I think the order was something like:

Soil's Song
Had To (Leave)
Ghost Of The Sun
My Twin

I was hoping they'd played Murder. But they didn't do it for both Seattle and Portland show.

Deliverance6, did they play Murder at the shows you went to?

I will post some pictures once I get them uploaded. I got a short vid of "My Twin" too.