Question about Star Wars [geek thread]


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Is it true that 9 installments were originally written by Lucas? Any clue what episodes VII, VIII, and IX are about?

Also, saw Revenge of the Sith again the other day (2nd time) and I retract my comment about the first 1/3rd of it being lame, I would say it's more like the first half. Last half is phenomenal.
JayKeeley said:
Is it true that 9 installments were originally written by Lucas? Any clue what episodes VII, VIII, and IX are about?

I've heard those rumours as well - and I believe something to this effect was uttered by Lucas around the time of The Empire Strikes Back - my Dad has an old Starlog magazine I believe where it's mentioned. I've never seen it discussed anywhere else.

JayKeeley said:
Also, saw Revenge of the Sith again the other day (2nd time) and I retract my comment about the first 1/3rd of it being lame, I would say it's more like the first half. Last half is phenomenal.

I have to say that upon seeing it again I fully concur. I timed when the movie stopped being Episodes I and II and started being Episodes IV and V and it indeed was around the halfway point save for a few cool parts.
yes, there were 9 "episodes" orginally. From what iv'e gathered, this part of the star wars universe, he left up to the authors of the star wars books.
if they want to make other movies based on star wars, they should use the scenarios used by the game Knights of the Old Republic. They were more captivating IMO, and had less fagdom that was found in the 3 first episodes. The second game was a lot darker than the first, too.
From what I've heard, Lucas was going to make another trilogy but then he said fuck it, I'm too old. So now there's going to be a TV show about the events between III and IV or something.
Mormagil said:
From what I've heard, Lucas was going to make another trilogy but then he said fuck it, I'm too old. So now there's going to be a TV show about the events between III and IV or something.
There's already the cartoon which explains lots of stuff, like why General Greavus is in bad shape at the beginning of episode 3, between Episode 2 and 3
let me state this again ... after episode III i realized that the whole shebang of SW is about pussy and the power of women have over fucking with our heads :loco:
lurch70 said:
let me state this again ... after episode III i realized that the whole shebang of SW is about pussy and the power of women have over fucking with our heads :loco:

hahaha, that reminds me of that seinfeld episode:

George: "So in Titanic, that old lady is just a liar, right?

HAHAHAHA :dopey:
Every interview I've read about episode 7-9 say that he never wrote any scripts for them, nor did he ever plan to. But he could be recanting something he said previously, which he is known to do. From my understanding, the Thrawn trilogy are considered 7-9, but they were not written by Lucas, nor did he come up with the plots for them. Timothy Zhan had to have everything approved by Lucas, but beyond that, it's his imagination in the stories.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
dill_the_devil said:
From what I heard, seven to nine were supposed to include - Han and Leia have kids, Luke goes to the Dark Side, kills Han and Leia, and Han and Leia's kids (Jedi-trained, natch) go after Luke.
cool. although i'd like to see some serious man-on-man jedi action.
