Question about Star Wars [geek thread]

dill_the_devil said:
From what I heard, seven to nine were supposed to include - Han and Leia have kids, Luke goes to the Dark Side, kills Han and Leia, and Han and Leia's kids (Jedi-trained, natch) go after Luke.

I read a comic once where Luke goes to the darkside, but it was just in order to infiltrate and get them from the 'inside'. I think he retained as much of his regular jedi old self to get back to Leia and the gang.

That's what the CIA need to do with Al-Queda (but use lightsabres instead of torture tactics lolz).
JayKeeley said:
I read a comic once where Luke goes to the darkside, but it was just in order to infiltrate and get them from the 'inside'. I think he retained as much of his regular jedi old self to get back to Leia and the gang.

That's what the CIA need to do with Al-Queda (but use lightsabres instead of torture tactics lolz).

Yep, Dark Empire I and II. Great comic books they are.

The Thrawn trilogy was the first expanded universe books to take place after episode VI I think, and still the best. I don't think Lucas ever wrote any scripts for episode VII-IX, and now that he has given the green light to all the expanded universe books (like 100+ of them) there is basically no time or space for him to move in, with regards to what happens after Endor.