Question about the Chiefs drums.


Feb 4, 2002
On the M.O.M.D dvd why do Charlie's bass drums sound like coffee cans? I mean no disrespect but every stereo system I play it on they just don't sound right. Was Lars the drum tech that night? Also, does he use triggers.. And one final drum question. On the Live noize vhs. I noticed there is a electronic drum pad or something that looks like one to C.B's left that has some writing on it. Was this used for some particular sound or effect? If so, what sound was it set to make and does he still use it? Oh yeah, any chance of double cowbell on the next record? One can never get to much cowbell.....
Totally agree, man. The bass drum was my only gripe on the whole release. I mean, after multiple viewings/listens, I don't even notice it anymore, but I'll always remember that first time hearing it and wondering what the hell happened in the process of mic-ing the bass drums...
I like the bass drum sound on MOMD! I really do. You can hear it´s triggered a bit. I know he used pads for In My World and In A Zone, these days he doesn´t have it as far as I´m concerned.
All Triggers do is make the pedals sound as strong as each other.

Say your left foot is alittle weaker than your right. With a trigger it makes them sound the same strength...thats all
My thoughts exactly. I have a pretty spendy home theater system, and the mix is perfect. Chucks drums sound great, Franks bass sounds great, the Scott and Robs guitars sound great, Bush sounds great.

Maybe its time to upgrade your system.

Bass Fellow said:
No offense but, my home theatre kicks out the bass drums cleaner and louder than anything. It RULES!