Question concerning the AA shirt "Nordic Symbols"


New Metal Member
Nov 27, 2005
Berlin, Germany
I don't know, if this question was already asked, but the search function didn#t get any results, so probably ist wasn't posted yet.
Alright, my question is, can somebody tell me the meaning of the symbol displayed on the front of the shirt. Or tell me, what the backprint says.
Here is the address of a picture, that you know, what I'm talking about.
If anythin is wrong with the thread, just tell me or edit it.
So greetz.
CYA Dragon
hey that looks like the celtic triscan (i dont know how you spell it) but in viking :p.
i can't help you more though sorry.
I don't recognize the symbol. You could try searching through the Viking Answer Lady website. She studies Viking history and lore and might even answer you directly if you email her. I think.
Another good site is:

Lots of information about Norse mythology and culture, and a very cool web store, The Vik. I bought a kickass Thor's Hammer shirt from there.
thx @ all for the replies. Well, I haven't found anything yet, so I'll have to wait till AA comes to Germany and there Berlin again and I can ask the Merch guy. :D
CYA Dragon
it appers to be a veriation of the triskelion, but with three serpent heads, maybe supposed to be the midgard serpent

if you really want to know about the norse religion (Àsàtru or Odinism) then please go to the odinic rite
well, thanks you two, but I couldn't find anything on both pages. I think I'll have to take the Bärsärk Sweater instead. :p
@lastwithpaganblood: I'm a bit sceptical about the political thing concerning the organisation you linked. Seems a bit right winged.
But still thx for wanting to help !!
Greets @ all !
CYA Dragon
well i would say that our ancestors lived by what some leftern people would call "right wing" values. But it's true that theyre alot of hippie pagans, but i wouldn't call what theyre doing very represant of our ancestors culture
You can't say that our(?) ancestors (not the ones in the 3rd Reich) were
Especially not in the way we would definate that in our time!
Why not? Isn't it "right winged" to care for your family? To not resort to appeasement? To stick by ones cultures and believes? To divide society up into differnt classes depending on their race?
You know they sure weren't socialist pacifists beliving in equality and humanism etc.
Well, it's a three-headed, Norse-style grippingbeast as far as the symbol is concerned. As far as the writing on the back, the quality of the pic is so bad that even when I enlarge it, I still can't make out what it says... If you could find me a better pic I could tell you. Something to do with a ship...