Question concerning the AA shirt "Nordic Symbols"

Belgar said:
...over the edge Prussian antics.

LOL. This board is great.

As far as pagan politics, I'm no Prussian and I hate Nazis, but I agree with PaganBlood that modern whining leftists probably wouldn't survive long in 7th Century Northern Europe! They'd be all "We need to work through our feelings on this issue," and then WHAM! Head separated from shoulders. Hah!
well, I think I should say something to this, because I started the whole discussion about the politic thing.
For me there is a big difference between "right-winged" in the meaning of conservative, like LastWithPaganBlood said somethings, as care for the family, stick to the traditions and so on, and "right-winged" as Nazi ideology, like the thing with dividing people by their race and especially the "not mixing of races" thing, hope you know what I mean. And the link you posted LastWithPaganBlood is in my opion more the Nazi like "right-winged" and not the conservative, because of the things they had in their shop.
And yes, you are right, but more in the way of conservative right.
Like the CDU is also "right-winged", but very different from the NPD for example.
And concerning the open mind of vikings, there was a good statement from Johann to this theme in an interview, I'll look if I can find it.
And for me "left" has not to be hippie-style, with all this free love and so on stuff.
I don not know, if this board allows politics, but I find the discussion kind of interesting.
@ Tyra: Thanks for the symbol, do you know themeaning of it or if it has a special meaning?
Greetz @ all.
CYA Dragon
I also don't know if this board is the right pleace to discuss such an political topic...but let's try.

You made that CDU/NPD example...I think it's very different if we talk about "right-winged" politics in the way we the CDU uses that in their program or if we talk about that nazis which are using norse elements to support their fight against democracy.

I hate that nazi shit - we all (especially germans) should learn from history.
And it's not about being right or left...being clever and provident that's what we should be.
Personally I don't like some of the aims the CDU has. Some of them are just unfair I think. But Germany has something to change...but don't know how.
I especially don't like the C in CDU. That's my main criticism of them.
I wouldn't take Johan as a n authority on Heathendom, especially since he doesn't even consider himself a heathen.

I think we need to remember that culture is created by a race, and if we change the race, then the culture will change as well. God didn't just point a finger to Europe, fully decorated with culture and traditions and religion, and said "here, indo-europeans, why don't you live here?"

When people say things like above their is a reflex thought in most people saing "Nazi!". But in fact this is the most multi-culture einstellung there is, as if we mix races then we would become an mtv monoculture. TOday's society doesn't appreciate our differences. And elements in the thiurd reich didn't either.

I stress the fact again that I have friends from many different races, so forget about calling me a supremacist or similair.
@Blutaar: Em, well, I just wanted to outpoint my different definitions of "right-winged", that was all. And there was this different between the two parties. (CDU <-> NPD). And concerning the new political situation in Germany, well, let's hope the big coalition is able to change the things to a better way. But we'll see.
@LastWithPaganBlood: I didn't want to put you as a racist or something like this, sorry if it sounded like this. Just answered your retorical question some posts before. ;)
To multi cultural thing, I don't think that it is necessary to mix the different races, to get along with each other, but I also don't think that you can say, that there shouldn't be any mixed couples/relationships. No forcing of mixture, but also no prhobition that's my oppinion.
On the viking thing again, Johan said something, like the vikings were a very openminded race, cause they travelled a lot and traded with other cultures/races.
CYA Dragon
... for their own gain, ultimately. But fighting for your own race doesn't mean considering an alien an enemy, neccessarily. That point is purely ridicolus. I am what you call a "right winger", yet I do exactly that which Johan said. Well, not deal, but even more "open-minded": befriend! Do I think I am contradicting myself? No. Am I? I can't see how.
Yes that C in CDU sucks. The discuss things like "Are muslim women allowed to wear their kerchief at school?", there are lots of other more important things to discuss and to improve.
They should care more about the finances and the bad workplace situation...not about "their" religious aims or beliefs. And I also don't like that everything has to have a cross on it here in south Germany...

Yeah and I also didn't want to call you a nazi or sth. in this way. Every race will be mixed one day - you can't stop that.
But I think we should be proud of our culture...not ignore our roots just to be called "multi-culturel". But how can you be proud of your culture and defend them peacefully in Germany without people calling you a nazi? Thats a huge problem in Germany I think.

Was there any partie which represented your hopes and objectives? For me there was none...
The whole election campaign looked unreal for me. Like a sport competition between the parties and not like politics.
Exactly, whenever you talk about these things people label you "nazi" and refuse to listen. "Right wingers" are often call&#233;d ignorant, but if anyone's is ignorant, then it is the mainstream politics people who only accept their view and don't see th eproblems with multiculture.
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
Exactly, whenever you talk about these things people label you "nazi" and refuse to listen. "Right wingers" are often calléd ignorant, but if anyone's is ignorant, then it is the mainstream politics people who only accept their view and don't see th eproblems with multiculture.

I agree with you about multi-culturalism. It's touted as a virtue by too many institutions and media sources without any honest analysis of what effects it might have on society. The direct result of a lot of the programs here in California that promote "diversity" is that we have a huge population of Mexicans and other Central Americans who are not encouraged to learn English or to assimilate into the community at large, but rather to self-segregate into poor neighborhoods, resulting in many working in low paying jobs or turning to crime. Not to mention that they were encouraged by state policies from the the very beginnning to come across the border illegally, where they can take advantage of all of our services and opportunities without actually being a citizen or legal resident. But if you bring up these things, everyone wants to scream at you for being a "racist."
Nah, that's just stupid. But people who move to a new country should feel obligated to learn the language and respect the traditions of their new country.
Belgar said:
Did Bush say that about the border between Mexico-US or the border that US troops illegaly crossed in Iraq?

Illegally? I didn't realize French whining constituted international law.
Ouch! Good burn.

As for the translation - this is roughly the meaning (the style is poetic, and I am translating in prose):

"Then a northern wind took the ship, so that the king onboard was brought with it into battle against two kings. The bold kings greeted (him), with arrows, soundless in battle. The racket of the shields was enough."/T.