Naglfar said:
More dumb questions from me... but does anyone know an easy way to consolidate all the tracks on Crimson II into one MP3 (or in my case, M4A) file? I want to stuff Crimson II right after Crimson on my ipod, but it's in a million little pieces, and if I'm doing random I get mini CRIMSON II blurps between songs.
Any ideas to make Crimson II iTunes friendly? (It's annoying having to use a CD player every time I want to listen to Crimson goodness)
Yeah. I had the same problem when I bought Crimson II and wanted to listen to it on my ipod. What I ended up doing was to find a "merged" version of it online, using some file-sharing software. Not the preferred way, but I was lazy at the time.
What I usually do in cases like this when I have the time is to first rip the CD to the harddrive, then edit it and then transfer it to the iPod. There's a lot of free sofware out there for doing this.
A good tool for ripping the CD to your harddrive either to wav or mp3 is audiograbber, which is freeware and can be found at:
If you use linux, I'd recommend grip.
After that you can use another tool to merge/edit the tracks. I prefer audacity, since it is freeware and can be found both for Windows and Linux. I've used it many times with good results. It can be found at:
Audacity is fairly easy to use and it can output to mp3, so you shouldn't have too big of a problem getting it done.
After this, you can transfer it to your ipod with your favourite software for doing that. iTunes for example.
Unfortunatelly, I don't have access to a Mac, so I don't know what software is good for that platform.
Hope these small tips help you make your ipod listening more enjoyable.