Question for Borknagar...


Jhva Elohim Meth
May 22, 2002
Visit site
I don't know if this has been discussed here or not, but have you guys ever thought of doing a live album? I mean you guys have out 5 albums now, why not ya know? I'm sure all of your loyal Borknagar fans would be delighted to have a live album in their possession :D

NP: Katatonia - "Brave"
I'm not against it, but then you have to have a good budget and only professional equipment, many times when you're doing shows the standard of the equipment aren't that great. And also just having 10 minutes line check are the issue why it's hard to be at ones musical peak. i can't sing in tone if I don't hear what tone the music are played in..hehehe..

But with perfect conditions I would of course approve such a thing, it could be cool. But still I would prefered the studio versions of the songs.

mr V
i personally think its about time you made a live recording, it would be good for people who live in depraved countries like Hong Kong that will never experience at borknagar concert. It's a pity that borknagar aren't as big as other bands like in flames and children of bodom who can afford to go on world tours and make live recordings. It's a shame because borknagar are way better than these bands IMO.
...if you *do* record a live album. here is some advice from the majority of fans. record it all at one show. and dont edit out things between songs... its really annoying. coherant one show albums are most certainly the best. and overdubs arent cool either... whats the point of a live album unless its a little raw and full of energy? I mean your right. if the live album doesnt offer that, it is better to listen to studio albums...

and Mr. V. your new album is on the way to my house right now :) it will be my first experiance with your solo works as I just got into you from Empricism.. Itll be great, I know it :)
i hope you dont record a live album.. theres been so many total failures in attempt of making a live album, and i doubt borknagar, or any other metal band from scandinavia, have the resorces, or at least, a crowd to make a decent one. the live feeling is very important in the making of a live album, in my opinion.

but if they did, they should at least make it a dvd, with some fun extra stuff.

the last live album i bought was in flames - tokyo showdown. and damn what a failure it is..
yes ofcourse, like iron maiden, iced earth, metallica etc.. but theyve got somehow a bigger crowd and a lot bigger budget..
anyhow there are examples of 'smaller' band that have done an alright live album, like deicide etc..
imho better idea is acustic album, then new studio album and then live album:D :D :D
accapella, lol!
Just a joke.
It would be cool with an orchestra as well.
Or if it was a super super group with arcturus members all on stage with multiple everything.
...Don't let sarcasm get too out hand I suppose.
Borknagar rock whatever they decide.
Originally posted by SonOfAbyss
accapella, lol!
Just a joke.
It would be cool with an orchestra as well.
Or if it was a super super group with arcturus members all on stage with multiple everything.
...Don't let sarcasm get too out hand I suppose.

read thread "Borknagar unplugged" and then write answer, before offend me man
Originally posted by SonOfAbyss
accapella, lol!
Just a joke.
It would be cool with an orchestra as well.
Or if it was a super super group with arcturus members all on stage with multiple everything.
...Don't let sarcasm get too out hand I suppose.
Borknagar rock whatever they decide.

Well, wait for Mr. V's latest project - a metal opera. With 26 Norwegian artists. I wouldn't be surprised to find members of Borknagar on that list, too.