Question for Schecter C1 Plus owners


May 22, 2005
hey guys,

I've been reading tons of reviews on this thing, and so far they've been really mixed as to how this guitar handles metal. I am looking for something fairly versatile as I play black/death/prog metal, prog rock, and clean stuff. I also read the stock pickups are not so great, but keep in mind that the guitar I have now is a cheap Squier, so I've never played better. I'm not planning on doing any serious recording either. Does this guitar really suck for playing metal or is it merely "ok?" Are there any other models under $550 you guys would recommend?

thanks in advance.
well dude, if Jeff Loomis can use a Schecter and get it soundin metal....and shred like a mother fucker, then im sure its fine.
Im not exactly sure if he uses the C1 plus, actually off the top of my head i think he uses a hellraiser, but hell, its just a few steps up from the C1 isnt it?

as you might be able to tell i havent played one.......if you havent either, then do so and decide for yourself, you know what you play and what your sound will be..........

Yeah Loomis uses a Schecter c-7 (7-string) hellraiser. I think the main difference between the plus and hellraiser models are the pickups. The hellraiser uses EMG 707's, while the plus uses "duncan design" clones of the JB and '59. I was able to play the plus at guitar center, and liked the feel, etc., but I wasn't able to plug it into an amp and really hear how it sounds. I am thinking of just getting the c-1 plus because I really like the color/fretboard inlays, and just putting in new pickups.

I came across the c-1 blackjack model, which has REAL seymour duncan JB and '59 pickups. It is also the same price as the c-1 plus. Thing is, it only comes in the color black.
steel102 said:
Yeah Loomis uses a Schecter c-7 (7-string) hellraiser. I think the main difference between the plus and hellraiser models are the pickups. The hellraiser uses EMG 707's, while the plus uses "duncan design" clones of the JB and '59. I was able to play the plus at guitar center, and liked the feel, etc., but I wasn't able to plug it into an amp and really hear how it sounds. I am thinking of just getting the c-1 plus because I really like the color/fretboard inlays, and just putting in new pickups.

I came across the c-1 blackjack model, which has REAL seymour duncan JB and '59 pickups. It is also the same price as the c-1 plus. Thing is, it only comes in the color black.
what's wrong with black? :headbang:

i played the C1+ and the neck was too glossy for me, it slowed my hands down. other than that, it seemed to be great.
Loomis also uses Shector 007 Elite. I have one :)
The guitars are beautiful, they feel excellent. My guitar came with Duncan Design pickups, they sound pretty good. Good for metal :)
I play in a melodic death metal band, and they do sound good.
But I'm not sure if they have any guitars that are under $550
Yeah, I went from a 6 string Ibanez RG to that 7 string 007 elite, took some time to get use to, but now I'm hooked on it. I can't stand playing the Ibanez now, I feel like I'm gonna snap the neck:p