Question for you all


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Would you prefer the recommendations thread be turned into a sub forum, or keep it as one thread? I thought maybe a sub forum so replies wuld not get mixed up when they are directed at specific posts, especially since not everyone uses the "quote" feature to make it easy. Let me know what you would like.
I have a feeling that forum wouldn't be visited by anyone unless they're looking for reccomendations. I know I wouldn't visit it just to answer to people. I think they'd get more of a chance on this board.
Susperia said:
I have a feeling that forum wouldn't be visited by anyone unless they're looking for reccomendations. I know I wouldn't visit it just to answer to people. I think they'd get more of a chance on this board.

Speaking for myself, I know I'd still go there, simply for the fact that once I ran out of stuff to read/post on GMD or wherever else, it's another place to waste my life reading/posting.

I think the subforum idea is a good one, personally.
It's a catch-22. The people who would actually use the sub-forum are the ones who don't need it and can easily get by with what we have here. Those who need a separate forum would probably be too stupid to use it and would post in here anyway.
I don't agree with either. There is far too little incentive to go to a sub-forum just to give people recommendations. You will generally only go there to get recommendations. Thus it would just become a noobs feeding ground.

One thread I think is also a bad idea (although better than one forum). This is because they become too long and hard to keep up with. I guess there would be advantages of having ALL recommendations in one thread (convenient for starters), but I think genuine participation would dissipate.

The best way to keep this place brimming and interesting is continual rolling threads - which whilst most topics will recycle, you can have slight variations and breaks in discussion. To do this, you have to allow natural selection in the forums, i.e. people getting told when they are participating in a non-constructive manner. As ironic as it seems to have non-constructive criticism stop non-constructive posts, it is the most efficient form of forum moderation (short of a decent / regular moderator, which I thought was working with GoD, but didn't work with JP).