Question to all of you...


Aug 31, 2003
A couple of times this month for no reason I have said to myself "No, I'm not in the mood for metal right now". I just say whatever and do nothing. A couple hours later I say that to myself again and start to question my love for metal.

A couple of minutes later I opened Winamp and played "Fall of Sipledone" by Testament and was interested and loving it again. :kickass:

Have any of you ever felt that way or anything like that about metal?
Same here. I scroll through the 3000 songs on Winamp and realize I only want to listen to Anathema, Ayreon, Nick Cave or Jesus Christ Superstar...go figure.

It happens. Listening to Dream Theater now.
it is because you are only .. 15? and it is something fresh for you
it is not a matter of "got tired of metal" , just a need to listen to something different too, which still gives you the same emotions and feelings
heh i'm almost 16 :p heh but i understand what you are saying... but i still disagree, i mean i've been listening to hard rock or metal since 3rd or 4th grade, and i love it more than ever.... as a matter of fact, i think that i get more into metal as i get older
i never get tired of metal, but i don't listen to JUST metal ... there's plenty of other things out there, bro

expand your horizons..
true, i agree with chrom.
you need to open your mind and to listen to other things as well.
We all have times like that.
For days, or even weeks i can find myself listen to everything *but* metal.
its pretty natural, and no where in the book of the "tough metal heads" it says that we have to love ONLY metal.

Yea if i get tired of metal.. I'll listen to either nothing. Or the classical station that play symphonies and such. But theres different genres of metal to listen to. So that also helps
yeah, try listening to different things. Believe it or not, underground metal isn't the only genre out there with artists that retain their artistic integrity.
I'm in another Led Zeppelin phase, all I listen to at the moment is The Early and Latter Days of Led Zeppelin, but I'm sure the second I decide to listen to a bit of Cryptopsy or something brutalllll haha, I'll get back into it.
Although metal is my life, it's not everything. If you are worried about it, think of it this way. The more broad your perspectives, the more you can truly enjoy the creativeness of your own particular music, whether metal, grind, or hardcore, ANYTHING for that matter. If you are in a band, well, expand on your other interests and try to infuse them into your music. Worked for me. The only thing I will detest you for is going down a level and listening to pop.
I've been listenning to metal since I was 5 years old and never got tired... sometimes I get brand-phases... I tend to listen to more death or more heavy metal... But in the end, it's mostly metal!

I do listen to other stuff... Hell I even have an En Vogue Cd... I just love Don't Let Go!
hmmmm.... mostly i listen to Anathema, Nevermore, Opeth, Dimmu Borgir or my band's songs... but when i get "tired" of it... i might listen to some stuff that i used to listen to.... or Will sends me something new or something, i dunno... i just go through phases. like for a week or a few weeks, i listen to one cd/band a lot... then i end up switching to another band. I never really get tired of metal at all, i just have a "rotation" lol.

i doubt that makes sense
hehehe i know that there is talent and integrity in other genres.... its just that i find that i only really like metal....and i think its still pretty broad... i mean, being able to listen to jag panzer and then go right to cannibal corpse is pretty broad in my opinion. Yeh, i know theres more out there, and theres tons of other stuff that i don't mind, its just that metal seems to suite my tastes perfectly, and it has nothing to do with some mentality that metalheads must only listen to metal
Wolftribe said:
hehehe i know that there is talent and integrity in other genres.... its just that i find that i only really like metal....and i think its still pretty broad... i mean, being able to listen to jag panzer and then go right to cannibal corpse is pretty broad in my opinion. Yeh, i know theres more out there, and theres tons of other stuff that i don't mind, its just that metal seems to suite my tastes perfectly, and it has nothing to do with some mentality that metalheads must only listen to metal

Variety is the spice and shit. There are days I honestly don't want music with guitars in it. On the other hand, I've got over a thousand CDs, and over six hundred of those are metal in one form or the other. But some days it's trip hop or classical or jazz or industrial or whatever. I can go weeks where I really don't want to listen to any metal, than have months where it's nothing but brutality and madness.