Question to Evile

[JaseOnTheBass];6415152 said:
I wanna know how the fack you change your little status thingy under your name at the left?

For example, mine says 'member' and Ols says 'Grave Enterer'

Or do the Moderators have to do it?...

Click on User CP at the top, scroll down and click on Edit Profile (left hand side of the page), and enter the text you want in the Custom User Title box. Then click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.

Because you touch yourself at night.

hi Evile,

i just want to know what's your motivation(s) to advance in metal,where do you want to go?
i mean,some people use their rage to be the best,other want more things (money),other just like what they do and just want to have fun until the end of their own satisfaction.....maybe it's a mix of all of these reasons?

it's a little bit serious but that could be interesting.....:p

can you tell us?

Our motivation is basically the love of playing thrash metal. don't know what else to say really. we accept there's no riches in thrash metal now unless you're Slayer etc so we're definetly not in it for the money. These days you have to be Metallica to get rich off record sales because of the net.
Evile are GHAY!

Whats it like being the GHAY-est band in the world?
In all seriousness, how you feeling about the up-coming Sanctity tour?

Shouldn't you be posting that on the My Chemical Romance board? I mean, they're pretty gay, even if Evile do have threads about their hair on their forum.

Sanctity will be awesome!

The rest of the guys are on their way (Minus Mike because he can't even figure a keyboard out let alone posting on a forum)

We struggle to get free beer ourselves

That wasn't the question!!!!
It would be gay if Evile played on pink guitars.

[JaseOnTheBass];6427045 said:
My bad... haha!!

Yes, Jase, your bad! I'll be back in Huddersfield in about 3 weeks, and I've got a cockslap with your name on it!

dude, i still have a couple of videos Ol sent me on messenger a LONG time ago of him shredding it up.

i also have the theme song he wrote for me back when he did like 20 different short theme songs for various members of a board we used to post on.
hello from turkiye.

i searched on internet for Evile's lyrics but i couldnt find any. How can i find them ? didnt you release your lyrics yet or didnt it come up to internet yet?