Questions on making backing tracks with Cubase 6

Jan 30, 2011
My band goes on tour in roughly 2 weeks, and I need to make backing tracks with synth, strings and all that. I don't know what plugin to use for the actual click. I've used random samples from halion but the drummer wants the cubase click or a wooden block. Does anyone have a preferred click method they use? If I could find some kind of guide for making backing tracks in general it would make life a lot easier.

Thanks in advance!
Do you have any way to route an output channel to an input channel? Even just a single TRS cable; the click is mono. Just loop it through and record one accented and one unaccented beat and paste it throughout the song. Then you just bounce stems of each instrument to stereo tracks - strings to one, keys to another, vocal harmonies to another, production fx to another, etc...
For a wood block sound I used to use the Clave from LM-6. You can still get it if you search for Steinberg Legacy Instruments since they dropped it in 4 or 5.

There is one in Groove Agent but you have to find the kit and it is on another page pf the pads.

Even then though, you have to create a midi track. So what I do is make one measure of MIDI by hand with quantize one. Ctrl-k, put in the number of repeats and bam.

Then go and touch up anything that isn't in the main time signature. Still a fucking pain in the dick for something that should be easy and something I do all the time. Exporting the click for prepro is a MUST for bands to practice to before coming in.
Backing tracks should me mono. My drummer just wears ear buds that come out of the headphone jack on the sample pad. We run one mono out to FOH. He doesnt use a click, but if we wanted too all we would do is pan the click right, samples left, and only run left to FOH while he gets the click in his ear buds along with the sample