Quick Question!!!!


Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Hey, I'm new here... HUGE fan of the band, loved the first CD..[Picking up the second as soon as I can get to a music store...]

I was wondering if the guys in the band were on this forum... [From what I've read, I was thinking you were...] And what are their usernames?

Anyway, I have a question for the guitarists! ^__^

How long have you guys been playing guitar?
Did you take formal lessons, or self-teach?
[I'm self-taught in guitar for a little over a year now, and I'm just wondering... But I've been playing self-taught piano/keyboard since as long as I can remember, so pretty much all of my life...]

Where do you gather most of your musical influences, guitar-wise?
[I saw this mini-bio, and I heard you get some of your influences from King Diamond, and Tool, two of my most favorite bands...]

Anyway, sorry for rambling... Any help, or answers you guys can give me would be great appreciated! ^^