Quitting caffiene?


Apr 29, 2008
anyone here have experience with this? I have one hell of an addiction in that if I don't have at least 2 coffees a day, I get a headache so bad that it makes me feel like I have to vomit, and then I'm useless for 4-6 hours or until I sleep a full night... not to mention that regardless of the headaches, I just am not alert without it. I feel groggy and cloudy and I have a hard time getting shit done - not to mention I'll tend to be in a bad mood and that's never good during recording days.

My main fear, however illogical, is that I'll never be normal without it. haha
I could never give up coffee :) I have two pots a day and love it

If you are having a hard time stopping, just do so gradually. That way you minimize the headaches etc. I know people who have minimized there caffeine intake by doing this.
Two pots a day, good god Zack - and I thought you were laid-back when I met you, I'd hate to see you without all that java in you! :lol:

Personally, I don't think quitting is the best idea, because caffeine in moderation is actually good for you, but cutting back would probably be wise - I have one decent-sized cup in the morning and that's usually it, sometimes tea or maybe a second cup in the afternoon if I need a pick-me-up, though that's rare!
Two pots a day, good god Zack - and I thought you were laid-back when I met you, I'd hate to see you without all that java in you! :lol:

Personally, I don't think quitting is the best idea, because caffeine in moderation is actually good for you, but cutting back would probably be wise - I have one decent-sized cup in the morning and that's usually it, sometimes tea or maybe a second cup in the afternoon if I need a pick-me-up, though that's rare!

haha, I just love coffee. When I was on that tour I didn't have much so you know what I am like without it :) Since I currently just do everything out of my house, I just always have coffee ready

And I agree, caffeine is good in moderation (probably sounds funny coming from me )
Personally, ive never had any problems ditching the caffeine when ive tried.. sure, some headaches for a couple of days, but thats about it really.
dude i've had times where i'd in one day have a 5 hour energy drink and some high enegrgy coffee and like 4 Rockstar's (damn endorsements :p) and a bunch of energy shots (like 4-5 no shittin ya) and never had a problem quitting it or feeling bad from it... if anything i felt better quitting it at times that i have. And just some useful information an apple has the energy of a cup of coffee so try one in the morning instead of coffee and you'll notice a HUGE difference
I never started to drink coffee, red-bull or coke or any other products that contain caffeine on a regular base.
I sleep about 4-5 hours a night, and feel top notch the whole day.
Getting of that stuff will give you a really rough week or even some weeks.
My dad drinks about 10-12 cups of coffee a day, I challenged him to do a day without, at 4 o' clock the old man collapsed in front of the toilet, pucking out his intestants, and having a headache so bad that just a wishper would feel like getting smashed with a hammer.
So if you do decide to get of it, it takes time, and a lot of feeling shitty. My mom actually went from 10-12 cups a day to 1 cup a day.
It sounds funny but it's just like quitting any form of drugs.
Back when I was in college I used to drink between 2 and 5 tins of relentless depending on the day, aswell as pro plus. Sometimes I was getting up at 6.30am to get to college, at college till 5pm and then working till midnight! So I basically relied on the stuff to keep me going, when I decided to stop having so much caffeine I developed this constant awful headache that paracetamol, ibuprofen etc did nothing to. Lasted about 2 weeks. The only thing that helped was having more caffeine, so when it was bad I would have a coke or something similar.

Best bet is to not just cut it out your system, cut your intake gradually over a couple of weeks and you should have a pretty easy time of it.
It was actually quite easy for me, I used to drink a full pot per day. I just reduced the amount slowly and now I usually only drink one cup per day after lunch at uni and sometimes I don't drink coffee at all. The main reason for quitting drinking coffee is that the coffee here tastes like shit and it mostly has to do with the tap water, as it has quite a lot of some white substance in it (I think it's chaulk). That shit gets stuck in all the metalsurfaces on pots, pans and countertops, and it's really annoying because it just doesn't wear off even if you scrub it, and on top of it it makes everything look really dirty.
I don't drink coffe. Only 2 or 3 per year. But I drink a can or two of coke.

I only smoke when beering, I gave up regular smoking due to my hypochondriac problems... I thought my heart was ill so fear made me giving it up.

But I had difficulties trying to give up some pills for anxiety. The clue is to give up very smoothly, reducing the quantity step by step... one month 3/4 pill, next month, 1/2 pill, next month 1/4 pill...