Race War

So people are not born with specific personalities, ones that are often very similar to relatives. You are grasping at straws. No one said environment did not have an affect, but genetics is the foundation.

I disagree completely, and I think that you're the one grasping at straws.
While children may be born with specific personality traits, that is far different from them being born with the mindset of a culture. If that were true, you wouldn't have the myriad of stories of children from foreign countries who grow up in the USA and have a struggle with whether or not they should keep to tradition.
While children may be born with specific personality traits, that is far different from them being born with the mindset of a culture. If that were true, you wouldn't have the myriad of stories of children from foreign countries who grow up in the USA and have a struggle with whether or not they should keep to tradition.

You and Ein need to stop jumping to conclusions about the point I am trying to make and listen to what I am saying.
Describing the behavior of an infant as a defined personality is a bit generous. I believe the parents' behavior, not their genes, has far more to do with a child's personality, which would fall under the environment.
I have a great deal of experience in being the child of parents, yes. I also have a nephew, and I've read plenty about it over the years as well, mainly through school. The general conclusion is that friends have a greater influence on an individual's personality anyway, which is obviously not genetic.

For what it's worth, though, I like your new signature quote.
I have a great deal of experience in being the child of parents, yes. I also have a nephew, and I've read plenty about it over the years as well, mainly through school. The general conclusion is that friends have a greater influence on an individual's personality anyway, which is obviously not genetic.

Personality? Or situational preferences? Or do people choose friends based on subconcious or concious preferences, thereby re-enforcing them? My brother and I grew up close in age and in an identical situation but have widely divergent tastes/ ways of processing information, my brother taking very much after my dad's brother (who was the polar opposite of my dad), who we met less than a handful of times. It's in the genetics, just as physical similarities are. Now, the more adverse the environment, the more the natural personality can be bent to pressures. As the adversity lessens, the natural tendencies re-emerge.

For what it's worth, though, I like your new signature quote.

Thank you sir.
You and Ein need to stop jumping to conclusions about the point I am trying to make and listen to what I am saying.

Or maybe you need to be clearer. You say genes make someone predisposed toward specific personality traits. I say environment has the most important and quantifiable effect, and that the cultural details you seek to prescribe as genetically determined are actually historically determined.
I'm sure there are some details of cultures that are somewhat genetically defined like terms of desirable appearance. It kind of has to fit in a frame with the genetic factors that matter for appearance. An example would be the desire to be pale in some Asian countries. With their genetics it would show if they've been working out in the sun because they'd tan, or if they're wealthy and don't have to work in the sun because they'd be pale. This kind of factor is nonexistent for a people whose genetics do not allow a noticeable difference in appearance from being out in the sun.

Another, in Asia again, is the standard on what is "fat." The principal of my old school summed it up for me nicely. He went to Taiwan, and there, apparently the girls really dig white guys. So he (the principal) asked a Taiwanese guy he knew "why don't you guys appear threatened by the white guys that come to Taiwan? Aren't you scared they'll get all the girls and you won't?" The guy replied "they take all the fat ones." American guys like some curves, which tends to mean a little meat on the bones. Asians, however, think of that as fat, because (I'm pretty sure) their genetics tend to make them skinny, thus changing the position of the bar separating "fat" and "skinny."

However, these genetic factors are far from defining the entire cultures.
I think we need to distinguish exactly what we're talking about. Are we talking about one's genes making them predisposed to developing or rejecting certain traits, or are we talking about the idea that one's personality is by and large a hereditary assemblage of familial gene makeup? Because heredity is a completely different subject.
I might be combining both of those ideas; but if that's so, it's because I don't believe either one.

Of course, traits such as red hair and green eyes are genetic; but being an introvert has nothing to do with genes.
Or you know, it's a cultural preference ingrained in you.
partly, but it's not just a cultural preference; beauty is subjective to an extent, but there are cases when you can say one race is generally more beautiful than another. it's still opinion and not fact, but almost every normal human would agree unless they were blind/stupid/illogically biased.

like my own race for example, i would say we are pretty fucking ugly compared to scandinavians, and i would find it hard to believe someone who said otherwise.
I think we need to distinguish exactly what we're talking about. Are we talking about one's genes making them predisposed to developing or rejecting certain traits, or are we talking about the idea that one's personality is by and large a hereditary assemblage of familial gene makeup? Because heredity is a completely different subject.

I am interested if you could expand on this.

@Ein: Since science currently can neither validate nor invalidate that claim, your opinion is as good as mine.

Edit: Aug yes, we know you do not pay to fuck whores from your own race.