Rack mounted EQs for guitar

The Unavoidable

May 27, 2008
Umeå, Sweden
Hi, been reading the forums on and off for a while and finally registred.

I'm looking for a rack mounted equalizer for use on heavy metal electric guitars (big surprise), for both recording and live performance. Now, I'm not sure I'm going to be needing one, but if I would, what eqs are frequently used/recommended for metal?
I would recommend getting a parametric eq. That way you can cut or boost any freq you want, unlike with a band eq. I use one to cut the 500 Hz area of my 5150 about 4 db.

As for the brand of eq I can't help you. I am looking to replace my behringer eq with something of higher quality some time down the road.

You could look into Furmans parametric eq's, they are what Dime Bag used. I don't think they make them anymore, but maybe you can find a used one.
I always look at the EQs in carvin's catalog; seem reasonably priced and carvin makes some road-worthy sound reinforcement type stuff. maybe pop over there and check the specs and prices.
I used to use a Rane rackmount parametric EQ. I don't think they are made anymore, but you should be able to find them used. It was a good unit.
Uhhhh, none...?

Don't need one live and you can use plugin EQ if necessary when recording.

I would NEVER use an amp without having an EQ in the loop of the amp.
I might be a sound geek, but it takes me about 6 months with an amp before I really get the exact sound I wanted from it(Even though its close without EQ, compressors etc.).

So its all a matter of taste.
If you think the amp sounds like you want it to without an EQ thats great, but if you want to tweak it, id rather use an EQ then chop up the amp.
I would NEVER use an amp without having an EQ in the loop of the amp.
I might be a sound geek, but it takes me about 6 months with an amp before I really get the exact sound I wanted from it(Even though its close without EQ, compressors etc.).

So its all a matter of taste.
If you think the amp sounds like you want it to without an EQ thats great, but if you want to tweak it, id rather use an EQ then chop up the amp.

To each his own. I meant "I" don't need one.
I agree with previous posters, definitely go parametric over say a 15 or 31 band.

Sometimes the 15 and 31 band ones are almost too much. And really guitar typically only needs minor adjustments. So the pedal graphic ones are cool since they are a bit more guitar specific.

Rack parametric EQ's that are good and inexpensive may be hard to find. Sure you can go with Nady or Behringer. But, eck... There are some good ones that aren't rackmount by presonus and such.

Do you want/need FX too? Many of the guitar multi-fx rack processors will have a parametric EQ. Ie. Rocktron Xpression, Digitech GSP1101, G-Force, G-Major, etc.
In a perfect world I'd get a stereo parametric and run one side before the amp (for a TS-like mid boost and low cut) and the other side in the loop (for regular EQ-ing). I think you can find a few different kinds for under $100 (maybe not as hip as a Furman, but better than a Behringer). Someday...