random chat thread

Only 2 hours and 20 minutes to go...:cry:

I am so ready to get the fuck out of here. 10 calls when I should be having 80? SHEESH! Why did I work overtime? Oh yeah, I'm a broke motherfucker.

Blue Moon, here I come. :cool:
Qc city, Eastern Canada, name's Simon

the beer is all yours hun, unless you'd prefer a rum and coke.

Elastic inverted is an awesome song btw

dunno if it would make my top 5 hypo tho...lets see

1. Slippin away
2. Until the end
3. the departure
4. a thousand lies
5. the quest

aww..it would prolly be number 6....or warpath?

for Hypocrisy, I think a top 40 would be more adequate ;)
Yes beer:D

I live in Belgrade,Serbia.Im a student of biochemical engineering but im moving to Medical Uni in June.
I have a terrible insomnia these days,and its 1 :52 here and cause its end of the semester so everybody is busy with exams so im going to be online here entire night:lol:
Living it up in Dublin here , but i'm originally from the Netherlands (close to the city Tilburg).

Now that you mentioned that top 5 supernova....you think we'll ever hear anything of that poll which most of us if not all of us have filled out ?
Haha, nice. Everyone lives far away from eachother :P
Anyone who has seen Hypocrisy? What other bands are you listening to?

I never really hang out on forums, but I thought I'd give it a try 8)

I've seen Hypocrisy quite a few times yea. And gonna see em again in about 3 weeks ^^ (finally after almost 4 years). And what other bands i listen to ? Christ where to start. Let's put it this way;

Right now waking up to Truckighters (Stoner rock)
Fell asleep to The American Dollar (Post Rock)
Was listening most of the day yesterday to a playlist of Death and Thrash metal
And i'm considering to put up some funky stuff while i'm typing this (Jamiroquai or Victor Wooten).

I'm hugely open minded so i tend to listen to anything as long as it's creative and original.
Never seen Hypocrisy, seeing them in just over one week, then again in Sweden in march

Otherwise I listen to a lot of (death) melodic stuff and Industrial metal (and classical music in another genre)
Anyone who has seen Hypocrisy? What other bands are you listening to?

I havent seen Hypocrisy yet :(

I mostly listen to death(old obscure thrash/death things mostly) and black metal(mostly bands from france and greece).I listen to a lot of dubstep,prog rock and some ambiental music too.

Im interested to know what music(beside metal) you guys listen to?:goggly:
Never seen Hypocrisy, seeing them in just over one week, then again in Sweden in march

man... i want setlist, a review, photos, all!!!!!!!! please!!!!! :kickass:

Im interested to know what music(beside metal) you guys listen to?:goggly:

over the last few years i'm listening a lot to 60 and 70 rock... i'm a great fan of Pink Floyd / Syd Barret... also the classic stuff: Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Blue Cheer, Hawkwind... Kiss, AC/DC, etc...

also stuff from the 80' and 90', more alternative rock you know, Faith no More, from Finland the great Kingston Wall, Jane's Addiction and also a great fan of Rage Against the Machine


and i've seen Hypocrisy only once (but not the last!!), at the Arrival tour in 2004

can you recommend me some album of dark tranquility?? they are well known and i've listened to a few songs but you know...
I recommend you to start with The Gallery. It's their best album. After that I would go with Damage Done and Haven. Great albums. After those you should check out Fiction and Character which both are very good. And then the rest of their albums which are Projector (experimental and quite good album), The Mind's I (musically similar to The Gallery but bit inconsistent and has average production), Skydancer (their debut with Anders Friden on vocals and it's good but has some flaws debut albums usually have). They haven't released any bad or even average albums so basically you could start out with any of their albums.
I haven't seen Hypocrisy either, but gonna see them in less than two months. Can't wait :D

I used to dance so I listen to some hiphop/RnB, but mainly I like pop from the 80's: Cher, Samantha Fox, Level 42. Quite gay yes 8)

yes :-)
but I like music from the 80's too, The cure, Depeche mode, New order, Duran Duran, tears for fears...Brits were Gods back then :Saint:

I have seen Hypocrisy only once....back in 2005
and Im not gonna miss them on their upcoming US tour, nuh huh!

I have been an hypocrisy fan since 1993, and it has been my fave band without doubt since Abducted got released (1996)

I live for music, I have 4 guitars ans one bass, I listen to all kinds of stuff, lately Im playing a lot of these (lately as in this week) :

- Hate Eternal (technical brootal Death metal)
- NoFX (punk rock, classic!)
- Kaiser chiefs (britpop/rock and roll)
- Draconian (Doom death)

so you see
Im a multi-layered textures musical lover :cool: