Random NW clips


Feral falcon
Dec 4, 2011
This is so hilarious that I wanted to share it here. To thank their support act Battle Beast, NW prepared a little surprise for the last gig of the European tour in Stuttgart, Germany. At the end of Nemo they improvised a cover of BB's Show Me How to Die. Here's a clip, the action begins at 4:35

Especially Marco's part is pretty much a killer (pun intended) as one could expect. For the sake of comparison, here's the original:

Skilliard from the German NW forum gives a description of what happened later, during Over the Hills: http://forum.ever-dream.de/index.php?showtopic=1336&st=0.

As I suspect not everyone here is totally fluent in German, I'm Anglo-Saxonizing his/her account: When NW entered the stage for "Over the Hills", the Battle Beast guys appreared in front of the stage - wearing nothing but a towel around their waists (the vocalist had additionally a T-shirt). They danced in these outfits, and while their colleagues were leaving, the drummer and another guy opened their towels, exposing their frontal parts. They stood with their backs toward the audience and so could only be seen well from the stage, but I'm 100% sure they had nothing under the towels because Anette laughed so hard she had to stop singing for a sec.


Ps. C, if you think this doesn't warrant a thread of its own, please feel free to move it under the tour thread or whatever.
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LOL, this is hilarious! Suppose ghosts from the past surface! Remember Marco performing the "Large Angel" stunt during the last show of the tour when he was with Sinergy supporting Nightwish?
Aaaand we have a clip: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIlluYv1D5Q&feature=player_embedded[/ame]

Apparently I misunderstood the description, the beasts frolicked in the pit between the stage and the crowd rather than on the stage itself - makes a bit more sense actually. Hehee, I wish I could have been there just to see Anette's face...

I'm correcting my translation above accordingly, so mind that, C, if you want to change what's on FB as well.
Sing-song Nightwish style:



PS, C: I tried to use my brain for once and created this thread as a depository for all sorts of clips people come across (rather than making a thread of its own for these particular clips) - I didn't notice such a thread existing already but I won't mind you rethreading (is that even a word?) these if I'm mistaken or you see fit for any other reason.
I think there was a thread here where someone posted that "FantasMic" Disney mash-up, so we can always merge those threads. But I'm not as strict about these things, so we can just declare this the "official" topic for any and all Nightwish-related clips, mash-ups, parodies, etc.

Edit: OK, so what I did...I found another post you made a while back about Battle Beast doing some Nightwish covers, so I merged that thread with this one and we will deem this the go-to thread for all of these random Nightwish-related clips that do not necessarily fit into other threads such as interviews, live performances, etc. This can be the thread where people can post bands doing Nightwish covers, or Nightwish themselves (in the case of these videos above) doing impromptu performances unrelated to their standard catalog of music (i.e., guest appearances on TV shows where they do not sing Nightwish songs, etc.). I think the thread title is self-explanatory: "random Nightwish clips". :D

So from now on, if you have any video of other bands covering Nightwish, or Nightwish members doing various musical performances unrelated to their own music, this is the place to do it.

Keeping to the spirit of the topic, I can't remember if I posted this here, but it is on our Facebook/Tumblr pages. Here is Floor on Dutch television a couple months back, doing her rendition of Puccini. Gorgeous!!!
