Random Photo Thread

Thanks Karen. :) My new D90 rocks, I just need a wide angle, a telephoto and a couple filters then I'll feel a little more equipped to do exactly what I want. The parents are apparently giving me money to put towards a wide angle for my birthday this week, so we'll see.
Took this, guess it's alright.


Great series!! Love "The Wheel of Time"
On the 4th, my cousin had the idea to put the several packs of sparklers that didn't get used all together in a bottle and light 'em up.

Went for a short trip out of town today and fooled around with my soapbox camera a bit. Yeah bugs. It wasn't easy- grasshoppers hop and fireflies fly.

Good shit, Kevin.

I think I've improved on my photography skills since the last time I posted something. I've been trying to learn and use various composition rules, such as the rule of thirds. I shot this yesterday and unfortunately, my neighbor's stupid roof was in my way and I'm too much of a chicken shit to go on my third story balcony.
Conquered another peak on Lake Crescent this weekend. This time, Pyramid Peak. More pics soon, it was beautiful up there and I took a lot.

Some stuff from Colorado the other weekend.




I'm not positive I took this one, I handed my camera to my cousin's girlfriend for a while and this may have bene taken when she had it. Regardless, it's awesome :D


Another cousin spankin' whitey
