Random Photo Thread

And here's another from the summit of Pyramid Peak last weekend.

so what honors and privileges pertain to membership in phi kappa phi? is that some secret illuminati kinda deal, or some old men in funny hats driving lawnmowers in the parade kinda deal?
Phi Kappa Phi is one of the oldest honor societies to this day. You get one for being one of the very few high percentage students in your campus. The benefits are amazing they will help you with just about anything, most importantly scholarships. The discounts they provide and they help they do for you in the future is amazing. Steve getting a job is going to be MUCH easier for you.

The career assistance is amazing and to an employer who looks at your resume and see the Phi Kappa Phi symbol on it....man your chances of getting the job you want is going to be much easier then ones without it.

Good luck in the future Steve!
....and you REALLY are thinking about getting rid of your SLR? I forgot, what'd you buy again?
I was feeling pretty unmotivated and uninspired and bummed when I typed that post. I've been feeling better about the camera lately but my mind isn't totally closed out to the idea yet. Although it's really more about "Do i really need this much camera right now?" than "Im bored with taking pictures now".

It's a Canon 50D.
Some friends of mine had a gig last night, I took the camera along. This is one of the few shots from the night I actually like.

Davie Street in Vancouver

Celebration of Lights in Vancouver

The view from Stanley Park in Vancouver