Random picture thread

EagleFlyFree said:

gaga man thats gold... so precious.
BodomPrincess said:
god dammit! why didn't it show up?
Patience my dear, come along.. I'll teach you the ways of the code

I'll explain to you what happened with your previous post
. . . .^ this space allows air to flow in between. That's bad, because as you know, when too much oxygen-rich air is allowed through, the code gets rusty at the edges and it doesn't display properly.

The other problem you have is at the end:
. . .^ This little gap disables it altogether because the 2 parts need to be connected to eachother otherwise the electrons can't flow from one side of the code to the other (and you of course know, that the closer tag must be supplied with electrons for it to be 'on' )

So now, my apprentice, post again and try it,
The right way this time! do not make an ass out of your master.