Random picture thread

dilema1362 said:
fuckin evil man, fuckin evil. hey, quick question for a computer illiterate fuck.....how do you post pics? thanks to those who take my question seriously.


(without the fullstops in eachIMG tag,i only did those to show you.)
nope...its gotta be where im trying to link the pics from, they keep coming up as unable to show with that cursed red "X"
ive been doin that, i think the sites just wont let you copy the links. i dunno. i wish i could just upload them. no worries. thanks alot though.
Amusement park rides



They are both on a bomb squad, they diffuse bombs. one guy is working on a bomb, and th other guy, as you can see, is about to scare the fuck out of him. :lol: