Random picture thread

Tut-why do you look 13 in your avitar but like my 30 year old comm professor in youre beautiful new....uhh........whatever pic. old pic? its just been botherin me for a bit and i needed to get it off my chest.
ok, stop this wanking bullshit :lol:

EagleFlyFree said:
>under the straight part

is there anything straight in you? who would have thought har
i'm so straight i can go around doing all the crazy gay shit i do, without.... oh shit, do you think people think i'm gay for THAT?! :eek:


dilema: i have no idea man :lol:

this is the image on my av, which i took like last month in the most
and the other one i took... this week :p
EagleFlyFree said:
^ haha those pics aren't bad
not bad in that they make you want to go to the bathroom and peel one off, or that they arent bad in that the guy who photoshopped these did a good job?